I am looking for feedback on a wayspot submission I am planning

I thought you would like the way the OP had put a reference to the criteria in the description. Am I wrong that you encourage that?

There are a lot of different styles.

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No, you’re not wrong. I do fancy a little creativity!

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And someone might think it is too personal and reject. You do you, I am just saying what I do. I don’t think we need to tell people asking for advice here that they have to be creative.

It’s my suggestion, so I don’t understand why you’re getting upset about it. Both of my examples were auto-accepts, so no reviewers actually saw them anyways.

I’m a very creative minded person. I don’t really like bland descriptions, and that’s one of the things I’ve been working on fixing with Wayspots. If I can add some of my creativity to this world, I’m going to do my best to do so.

It’s up to each user to figure out what works best for them, but it also doesn’t hurt for them to see differences when asking for advice, which the OP is doing. I like to have fun with my descriptions while still being accurate, not just state what and where it is.

If an image is square, Ingress chops a third of it off - a sixth off the top and a sixth off the bottom. We have lots of headless statues because the image was square and Ingress chopped off the head. Also lots of posts because the sign was chopped off. Etc.

Ingress pictures are cropped to 16:9.


16:9 doesnt even work best accross all the different Ingress views. The key and Info panels are 16:9 landscape, but the interaction panel, alerts & activities and the photo list uses squared photos, and the detailed photo view is 16:9 portrait.

IMO, ideally it’s 1:1 with the focal point in the centre of the image, and ideally some space around it if it’s something like a trailmarker. 1:1 also eliminates a lot of the cruft that might get the main image rejected. I play Ingress and PoGo and that seems to work out the best.

I agree with cyndiepooh generally in my approach on descriptions. I try to provide info on the thing and that’s usually it. I generally dislike attempts to be fun with the descriptions, a recent post in the discord comes to mind as hopefully a bad attempt at that…:grimacing:

But if an opportunity presents itself, and I’m feeling creative, I definitely support a fun take on a waypoint. Like my Secret Seal submission I got accepted:

Maybe ideally for PokemonGo.

Ideally for Ingress is 16:9.

Ideally for some of Ingress

I do like a bit of fun in the description and/or title if appropriate. I’m much more likely to vote for that than something with a description such as “Seal”.

“Seal” that’s infuriating on the other end of the spectrum :sweat_smile: especially when the title is also Seal…

I definitely try to provide thorough info on the thing.