I can’t vote for this bug report because I can’t remove one of my votes

Bug Reports should include the following and any additional information you feel is necessary to aid in the investigation of the bug.

  • Description of the issue: I’m at the limit for how many bug reports I can vote for and am unable to vote for this one because I cannot remove the vote from the bug report regarding the maximum number of upgrades
  • Date first (or most recently) experienced: 2024-09-02
  • Device type, model, and operating system: Gah!
  • Game & Game Version (if applicable): oof, I don’t know how to find the forum version

This is the post I’m unable to remove my vote from so that I can vote for this bug instead:

This is my list of voted threads:

I’m unable to vote for this thread because I’m at the limit for votes, but also unable to remove my vote so that I’m below the limit.

Could you try voting now?

Still at the limit:

Still no vote controls on the other thread, and still appearing in my voted list:

What about now?

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Still there, but I seem to be able to vote more than I used to!

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:fearful: wow these go fast!

We are supposed to vote?

It’s a fun distraction to try to juggle my 825 votes across topics.

Unfortunately, I had to remove my vote from this topic again because there are a lot of bug reports about upgrades not working as expected to add votes (back) to :disappointed: