Invalid Wayspot - Sepulveda Laundry

  • Wayspot Title: Sepulveda Laundry
  • Location (lat/lon): Ingress Intel Map / 34.235735,-118.468307
  • City: Los Angeles, CA
  • Country: USA
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any):

Here’s the wayspot:

Even with all the stuff (especially with washing machines and dryers, which are SO unusual for laundries /s) this is still a generic business which doesn’t fit eligibility or acceptance criteria. Please remove this wayspot, as it serves a bad example and encourages players to submit more wayspots that also don’t fit eligibility or acceptance criteria.

It doesn’t look valid to me. But Niantic has different standards for acceptance vs removal. IOW it doesn’t meet acceptance criteria, but now that it’s in - it doesn’t meet removal criteria. The removal criteria are basically (a) things that could get Niantic into legal trouble: schools, houses, unsafe, sensitive, abusive, and (b) location things that are objectively provable with geotags: duplicate or removed.

I wonder many times how it’s possible to have so many cemeteries accepted, after reading the rules for nominations and acceptances

Honestly :thinking:

I wonder many times how it’s possible to have so many cemeteries accepted, after reading the rules for nominations and acceptances

I know that. But my standard is “Try, and you may succeed”.


That sounds like the exact same logic I see people who perform abuse use. “What’s the harm of trying?” “Well, it worked one time before…” “Oh, well, we’ll see what Niantic says.”

There’s a long history of the community (no less yourself) begging for Niantic to remove candidates that the community generally considers ineligible due to inability to ever be able to bend to meeting criteria. I myself begged for Niantic to remove a Men’s Warehouse that they continued to refuse to remove. Often, these types of nominations are approved by Niantic, which only increases the frustration. Meanwhile, areas are targeted and trail markers that generally could be seen as possibly eligible are removed.

I don’t like the precedence of having borderline candidates removed. I’m aware that a laundromat can be a social outing, but that’s not immediately how I see this Wayspot.

I am always curious to see how Niantic responds to these appeals from you.


(post deleted by author)

Seems like Niantic doesn’t like discussions about dirty laundry. Does it mean this wayspot will be removed? :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. To clarify, the moderation action on your earlier post was to ensure it aligned with our community guidelines and maintained a respectful tone for all users. I’ve restored your original post with a minor edit for appropriateness. I hope this clarifies any misunderstanding.

I didn’t realize that “underwear” is something inappropriate :roll_eyes:

Mod Edit: Removed embedded YouTube link

While it isn’t inherently inappropriate, context and tone matter in maintaining a respectful and welcoming environment. If there’s been a misunderstanding or if English isn’t your first language, feel free to share your thoughts in whatever language you’re most comfortable with. Thank you for your understanding.