Is it good an upgrade for this?

Should I upgrade this nomination:

The problem is that I edited the photo to make the cross brighter. There is another problem; Google Street View is from 2012 and I don’t know how can I prove that is a real monument. This is my supplemental photo for safety:

and informations: ”O nouă troiță ridicată în cinstea meșterului Constantin Ștefan sculptată chiar de el. Crucea a fost luminată artificial în editare pentru a se vedea mai clar din cauza soarelui puternic care bătea în cameră. Nu știu ”how” pot demonstra mai bine că e un monument real pentru că Google Maps nu a mai actualizat harta din 2012…”

I had an upgraded nomination that was not accepted because Google Street View not updated the street.

This is the loction:

Thank you!

If it is a genuine monument, and there is a website owned by, let’s say, a Local Government that says something about the monument, make sure that the website link is in the Supporting information and mention that the StreetView is from 2012 in the Supporting information. It may get ignored by some reviewers, but as long as you have it documented, you are covered.

This is a small village. There is no official photos or informations about anything and I hate that…

Putting that to one side, I appreciate I don’t know about your local area in terms of easement, but there may be an argument that it’s not safe for pedestrians. Which may go against you. I am not saying that is justified or not, but as someone who doesn’t know your area well enough, I might vote down the nomination on the grounds of publicly accessibility.

There are houses on this street. How can it be dangerous for pedestrians? Absolutely no sens! You can see that path on map. This is one of the safest street from the village because there is no asphalt or concrete on the road.

The road is quite narrow. As I stated before, people who may not have local knowledge may not understand the safety aspect of the location. I am not saying I am right, I am just saying what people may think when they see the nomination.

I found a video from the sculptor’s grandson on his Instagram: HERE
He lived in this house:
(there is a window in the video and you can see it on Googe Street Viewer).

The more information you put in the supporting information field, the better the chance of approval. My comment may be an overreaction, but it’s something other people may notice.

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You say it isnt visible on maps, but your supporting photo is not doing you any favors in proving it exists where you say it does because the object isnt visible in it. A good supporting photo will include the object as well as some recognizable landmarks that may be seen in maps.


Sounds like reviewers could think it’s too close to a single family residence property.

To answer your question: No, I wouldn’t upgrade this. You want local reviewers. Upgrading means it will be presented to people farther away, to reach resolution faster.

Do read this article it is packed with great tips including a good supporting photo.

Do use the supplementary information to walk the reviewer through the points in your photos that can be matched.

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Thank you, guys!

I decided to upgrade my nomination. If it will be rejected, it is not my fault. The monument is clearly seen. The description is not so long and it is clearly as well.
I wrote information about the artist and I put links about him and his work.

Yeah, a small problem is the supplimental photo, but it doesn’t seem too bad because the photo shows information about the spot for helping people to verify the location because Google doesn’t update the map…

I am confident.

Good luck.

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