Title: Vizcaya Community Center
Description: A great place to socialize with others and lay back, grill some food and jump in the pool. Also has a large, spacious grassy area for more games ans activities.
Supplemental: An amazing way to socialize with people of all different cultures and backgrounds. Extremely safe area which many people gather together every day.
Welcome to the forum, and I hope we can help. I did a Google search on this photo and quickly found it online:
You must use your own photos.
Also there is two nominations here, atleast. The grill / pergola area and then the pool.
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Great point! @butdeeznutztho3 I see at least four Wayspots there that would be eligible to appear in Pokemon Go if submitted correctly:
Also, when you resubmit with your own photos, consider changing the the title of what you nominate. Perhaps some may find it pedantic, but you don’t seem to be nominating a “community center” as the title indicates.
In the main photo I see a pool and a pergola/grilling area. Also, as pointed out by another, those can be two separate nominations if done well. Feel free to ask for help if/when you think you need it.
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Thank all of you for your feedback. I have resubmitted using the tips that you guys recomended and I got the confirmation email saying now that the community will review my nomination and come to a collective decision, which means I seemed to have passed the AI decision. Thanks again I will come back if I need more help!!
That is just the normal submission received email. If it is going to reject (or accept!) it usually happens 20-24 hours after making the nomination. (“Upload later” seems to affect that time frame.) Then if it is an ML decision, the rejection email will say “our team” instead of the community. Looks like a potentially great play area, so wishing you the best of luck with this!