Meets this the criteria?

Hey guys,
today I go for a stroll and I found a small cross on a power box with the inscription “Hallelujah”, so I submit it as Wayspot. My little brother visits the local youth group, which is a religious children’s club, and he told me that he made the cross there and then the youth group hung it up here. Do you think it would be accepted? I am not using an upgrade for this, but I think it meets the criteria. Am I right?
Best regards :slight_smile:

This is not acceptable. Generally, DIY projects and small things hung up on walls that you could buy from the hardware store are ineligible

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Okay, thank you :slight_smile:

Hello @Maxl123456789v

I think you’ll have problems getting this accepted. It looks Temporary. And based on what you’ve said, this is not a decoration that was added by the city (not sanctioned art).

It looks to be a neighborhood. Are there houses directly behind the box? It could also have issues with being on a Singke Family Private Residential property (SFPRP).

You may have addressed some of these items in your write up for how you think it meets criteria (a great place to be social, explore, or exercise) , but I couldn’t translate the description and support information.

This is the description in Englisch: The group of young people in Bad Erlach made this cross and hung it up. The inscription Hallelujah means “Praise the Lord.” It’s something religious and beautifies the neighborhood. You should be able to identify the location. It’s just a small suggestion, but I hope I convinced you. The cross is permanent, it has been hanging there for a few months. There is also the “Bench with Slogan” nearby, which became a Wayspot after an objection from Niantic. The wooden plaque there was also created by the group of young people.

I hope the translater translated this correctly haha

Thank you for the translation. I do my best with advice, but I always wonder what I’m missing without a translation.

But I do agree with @kawin240 , that this isn’t eligible. I added more information in my previous comment as those are things you should consider for future nominations.

Keep exploring, you will find things :slight_smile:

And feel free to share future nominations with the forum, we like helping with photo advice and description tips for things that are eligible.

Thank you! Should I withdraw the wayspot or just let it go through?

I’d probably withdraw it. But I leave it up to you.

Okay, thanks!