My nominatiions are still in voting / queue for more than 2 weeks

Snímka obrazovky 2024-09-02 100414

My nominations are still in queue / voting for 2 weeks straight… Never happened before and I don’t know what to do about it. How to resolve this issue? I’ve nominated 3rd one at the same day and it got refused like 2 days later…

Welcome to the forum!

Reviewing wayspots can take time. It can vary highly on the area as well.
Two weeks is nothing to worry about, there are still wayspot nominations in the system that are over a year old.

If you would like these to be reviewed faster, than you can try applying upgrades if you have them.

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Welcome to the community. Worry not. 2 weeks isn’t unusual. I’ve had some that have been in voting for months and longer. All good things come to those who wait.

That’s cool and all… but why some pokestops appears in-game 2 days since nomination and some takes months…? I’m just speaking form my own experience… I never had to wait for more than 6 days…

It sounds like most of your submissions have been handled by machine learning, which results in reviews within 48 hours. So these recent ones need to go through community reviewing which takes longer.

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Check your emails on the fast ones. If they say “our team” instead of the community, they were decisions by Niantic’s ML (machine learning ai) model. We don’t know what makes the ML decide to accept or reject some nominations, but we have seen that it tends to happen at 20-24 hours after you submit the nomination - unless you use upload later, which can change the timing.