Need some Help in Albania

Albania is a small country in the Balkans and in this part of the world we dont always get along with our neighbors. There is a shortage of people to review nominations here and often when niantic decides to go cross border old rivalry and hate of the past guides some reviewers to reject some perfectly viable nominations from neighbors. It would be great if some people from further out can join and review some of our local nominations. The main reason nominations are getting rejected in Tirana for example is that certain reviewers mark every part of our capital as not safe while we have the lowest crime rate and almost 0 crime against foreigners.

Have you had much luck with the Machine Learning programme - Emily- approving submissions?

Not safe doesn’t refer to general safety but more “can a person stand here?”

I know of the political tensions in the region having Croatian and Serbian relatives. I have murals that praise war criminals for review quite often from there and I’m certain that some reviewers will also be like that on the reviewing side. I doubt that’s the only (or the biggest contributing reason) why your region gets shut down. For example, ancient Street View footage that makes it more difficult to review in general.

Albanian is a language that is completely unintelligible to your neighbours. If you have only submitted in Albanian so far, I would recommend giving a summary in English in the supporting information if you haven’t tried that yet, but you probably have done so already.

As always you can show a few examples here if you’re comfortable with it and maybe it’s just about finding some small flaws in the nominations.

all my submission are in English and all major landmarks, like hotels parks beaches and important governmental buildings. I had a beach rejected last week and had to submit one of my two appeals to get it through. same thing happened with a route and it said it wasn’t safe, a route going through the middle of the city with wide sidewalks and plenty of business.
As far as the language barrier i just skip any review in cyrilic my self and maybee im seeing ghosts. Last night one of the first luxury hotels in the middle of Tirana next the the prime ministers office was rejected and the worst thing is they dont even give u the reasons.

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the only new pokestops that have poped up around me are ones i have approved in the last two weeks since i started doing this, two of them to be exact,

just got this rejected because it says generic business. this has been in the same place since 1999 and there are a line of cars duble parked all day getting pasteries. I just dont know what to do with these since i got no appeals left anyhow.

“An old well know typical albanian “pasticeri”. a sweets bars well loved in Tirana”

Don’t give up. I think that this would be a suitable nomination provided that you can demonstrate to any reviewer why this patisserie is important to your community and why it should not be treated as a generic business.

To give you an idea or two, here is an example “Supporting Information” for you to consider

 “Nomination is patisserie that has been open since 1999. It meets the qualifying criteria as being a good local place for socialising and exploration, is not a chain store, and is a favourite gathering place amongst both the local community and tourists for all things delicious. Niantic criteria specifically encourages ‘Popular restaurants and cafĂ©s’. It has highly positive reviews through social media and review channels such as Google where it has an average of **** out of 5 star rating (based on **** reviews) and **** followers on Facebook. It offers locals an opportunity for you to sit and chat and share a drink and delicious pastry with family and friends and strangers alike. Nomination is readily accessible with safe pedestrian access evident via sealed walkway. Website - ****”

Good luck

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Above suggestion is great, don’t forget to specify details in the description too. A pastry shop will sell pastries so you’ll have to add how it is not generic.

What made it well-known and what products are the favorites? Do they do frequent events and how do they participate in the community? Or simply describe the vibe how it would be a great venue for which type of socialization. It is not guaranteed but more specifics can be more reason to lean towards being eligible.

The appeal button appears when available, 20 days after the last.


thanks guys it is very helpful to know these little details.
Also do you guys know if any particular type of spot has a better chance of getting reviewed and approved by AI?

Very little is known about how Emily determines what is an auto accept or reject.
Concentrate on a good nomination.

The others have given advice about the text
.here is some about the photo.
The main photo should be dominated by the object. At the moment yours is mainly generic building.
This is not good quality but it’s to give you an idea.
I have manipulated your screen shot to focus on the business name and try to get it more straight on.

I would recommend trying to get a picture that is more like this.
Or if the door or window has an interesting graphic or logo choose that.

The idea is that in that first glance you know what this is for.


Thank you, a bit hard with the pics beacuse of the people rule, also my phone has a not so good camera. but ill try all your sugestions and see how next week will look.