Nomination advice wanted

Steigerwald Panormaweg Wegmarke Ortsmitte

Steigerwald Panoramaweg trail marker town center

Der Steigerwald Panoramaweg führt 161km durch den Steigerwald, beginnend in Bad Windsheim, endend auf dem Michaelsberg oberhalb von Bamberg.

The Steigerwald Panorama Trail leads 161km through the Steigerwald, starting in Bad Windsheim and ending on the Michaelsberg above Bamberg.

Qualifizierte Qualitätswanderung, lädt zum Entdecken, Bewegen und Wandern ein. Liegt an einer Sitzbank in der Ortsmitte.

Qualified quality hike, invites you to discover, move and hike. Located at a bench in the center of the village.

address is Kaulberg 15, 96120 Bischberg in germany

content as above, roughly translated by deepl. Rejected for no consensus / temporary, seasonal or not distinct.

I dont’ exactly get why it was rejected. The only real issue i see is the picture, which can’t get much better as it is on a pole. The trail leads through this exact area, and the marker is important as it signals a turn here, not continuing going uphill.

I’d like to have your opinions on what i can do to improve this nomination

The problem is it looking like stickers added to the pole. I get that’s probably how it was applied by the area but it makes it look temporary - no fault to your submission. Niantic is usually looking for something where the signage is/looks more permanent like a post-mounted sign.

I totally understand what’s been commented above about them looking temporary, but to my eyes that doesn’t invalidate them as Wayspot candidates.

I know these types of trails and they aren’t regular old stickers, but instead ones that are made to be resilient against corrosion. Since they’re official ones maintained by a state body (at least for the one marked with the blue 7, can’t speak for the other one), these ‘stickers’ are also replaced if they’re ever removed by a third party.

To prove their permanency and also the location, I’d recommend using at least one, possibly both of these methods in the supporting information:

You can link to the websites of the Steigerwald Panoramaweg and the 7-Flüsse-Wanderweg to show reviewers that these are not selfmade stickers and in fact offical trails (Steigerwald-Panoramaweg - Steigerwald Tourismus -

Furthermore to actually prove the location you can use the “Bayernatlas”, a map tool provided by the Bavarian state (BayernAtlas - der Kartenviewer des Freistaates Bayern).
On your left you should see the option of “Wander- und Radwege” and if you expand that, you can select various types of trails (regional, local, biking trails, etc.). As soon as you find the option that contains the trail you’re looking for, it should be displayed as a line on the map - if you click on the line it will show you more information about the trail.
If you then go to “Teilen” near the top left of the page, the webiste will generate a link that will lead straight to the location you generated it in alongside the trails you selected. You can use that link in the supporting information of your nomination.

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