Oaklands grange light post

A unique light post

Welcome to the forum @kinseybo

I’m not sure what your post is meant to be about exactly. Could you go into a bit more detail? Is this an existing stop you’re trying to get removed? Is it something you tried to submit?

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title:
  • Location (lat/lon):
  • City:
  • Country:
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):
  • Additional Information (if any):

Is this the same as this topic?

We still don’t understand what you are asking.

Are you saying it was in your game, but removed, and you’d like it reinstated?
Or did you nominate it, and it was not accepted?

Which criteria do you think it meets: a great place to exercise, a great place to be social or, a great place to explore?

Why do you think it’s distinct from other lampposts? We have hundreds like it where I live.

Am I right in thinking this lamppost is somewhere around here? I didn’t find the exact one from your photo, but the style of lamppost matches what you’ve posted and the name of the housing estate also matches up, so I’m assuming it is somewhere in that general area.

As @MargariteDVille says, a nomination needs to be a great place to socialise, a great place to exercise or a great place to explore, and a generic lamppost of which there are several on this estate alone would not meet any of the criteria.

I have had a look at the area on Ingress (assuming I’m correct about it being the same area) and can see two playgrounds have been accepted. These do meet the criteria so that’s good that they’re in the database. Satellite and Street View are not fully up to date with the area being a new build, so I’m unsure if there’s anything else on the estate that may be eligible.

My thinking is they nominated the lamp post, but it was rejected, and rightfully so. I don’t see anything unique about this lamp post, and it looks like others I’ve seen that are just infrastructure. And it’s providing light for the playground area, another indication that it’s infrastructure.

Hi, I merged your posts, and this cannot be in the Wayspot Appeals category unless it’s something you reported for removal and it didn’t work, or are asking the reinstatement of, in which case it should be formatted properly.

If you are trying to submit this as a nomination, or have it reinstated, please be aware that the chances of this being accepted are very low since it looks like generic infrastructure. If you are asking for a community rejection to be reverted, that’s not possible on here.

If you are trying to use the forum as the nomination upload interface, please be aware that wayspot nominations are made through Ingress or Pokémon GO when you meet the level requirements, but as said above this is unlikely to be eligible unless you provide context that demonstrates how this is a great place to explore, exercise or socialize.


would love for the op to have made this clear themselves, which is why i replied to them, but if that was the question then, i think others here have made that clear :+1:

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