Please give me some advices with this candidate

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  • A screenshot of your nomination, including rejection reasons if it has already been rejected

  • Include the title, description, both photos, and supplemental information

  • Copy and paste the title, description and supplemental so others can translate them


  • If you feel comfortable please share the location, as it is helpful (i.e. hidden duplicates), but you can mask it if you wish.

I want t know this candidate is worth for a wayspot and how can I make better recommendation with this

Hello @NoiNoiSan
Could you explain what is the purpose of the board that the picture is part of? It would be useful to know more.
If it is part of an advert it would not be something that I would expect to be eligible.


I don’t really find a sign telling residents of your city not to feed boars to be very distinct. It seems as there may be more than 1 of these in Kobe, making them pretty generic.

Here’s the English translations, for those wondering:

Title: Feeding wild boars is prohibited
Description: In Kobe City, feeding wild boars is prohibited under the “Wild Boar Ordinance”
Supporting Info: I applied because I thought the picture of the wild boar was cute!

It is at 34.73081988712867, 135.2304809708414, and has been there for several years based on Street View; and I also wondering how safe it is to access, being on the side of a street.

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As the sign is a warning to not feed wild boars, I’m not sure if qualifies under the three pillars that Niantic wants us to use to evaluate potential Wayspots.

It’s not a great place to exercise.
It’s not a great place to socialize.
It’s not a great place to explore.

Art can make for great Wayspots, and I’ll tell you that the boars are cute, but I don’t feel they are distinctive enough to be a Wayspot.


Thank you for many useful comments

I understood why it could not be the wayspot
1: it is a generic sign
→I should check whether it is generic or unique , and write if it is unique one

2: it is not worth for exploring

I gonna find better spots
Thanks :slight_smile: