Profile statistics reset, past wayfarer agreements set to 0

Deleting your game accounts can reset your Wayfarer progress to zero. Unfortunately, we cannot reinstate your stats. Having said that, I have added an Upgrade to your account as a goodwill gesture.


I appreciate that, thanks for looking out for me. :sunglasses:


i double checked, and the wording on how to delete your ingress account does say the wayfarer data, too. if it said that before, i am sorry you missed that bit. if they have just added that, you have helped others by asking here.

That’s interesting. I checked and PokĂ©mon GO lists the same as well.

That doesn’t mention this issue occurring at all, it basically says all your data will be fine. It actually reassures you that nothing with happen. Also I was never directed to this link, because the app automatically sent me to support.

“If you request the deletion for your game account linked to Niantic Wayfarer, your deletion request will include data submitted to the Wayfarer program via this game account. If you contribute to Wayfarer via another Niantic game, these contributions will be unaffected“

“Data submitted” is not referring to potentially 1000s of reviews made on the wayfarer website. It is literally talking about something completely different.

I think the reality is, the only way you could know about this issue, is if it happens to you. Result based analysis isn’t going to work here. You would have no reason to google this issue if you don’t know it exists, and doesn’t exist anywhere in fine print. And all the results of your search will be people on this forum who it has happened to.

Um what else would the Data submitted be? How would you recommend they reword this? I am sure they don’t want this happening to anyone else if it can be helped.

Oh! I see it now. It should say Niantic account not game account, right? I think of each Niantic account as a game account.

I guess nomination reviews count as “data submitted”? and “via this game account” means the email you use to log into all your other games. Otherwise I don’t see how this makes you aware that you will potentially reset your account.

Data submitted is nominations. You make contributions to wayfarer from your game account, I.E. submitting a waypoint nomination through Pokemon go. So it’s saying that your nominations made from the game account you are deleting will also be deleted.

I do think the rewording you mention would help.

Niantic is extremely slow to implement QOL changes I’m really not surprised.

Yes, this has been known for maybe 8 years. If you delete any Niantic account, your Wayfarer is deleted as well. When Harry Potter’s end was announced, some people deleted their accounts - and lost Wayfarer even tho HPWU never had Wayfarer access.

My guess is that the process for a user deletion ends up in the same code as the process for when someone’s account is revoked for abuse. IOW same as if you got kicked off Ingress for making threats in Comms or spoofing. It’s reasonable for Niantic to revoke abusers’ Wayfarer. And I guess deletions by the user are rare enough that it’s not worth debugging?

It’s been happening so long, and people have complained so much - I think we have to conclude that it’s on purpose.

Nianitc has gotten much better with documentation in the past couple years - although not on this topic. Maybe they’ll finally make it clearer?

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