Profile statistics reset, past wayfarer agreements set to 0

I was wondering if this is a known issue, or if something I did caused this. Any help is greatly appreciated!

  • looking at my profile I noticed my upgrade progress was reset (it was very little but that is what I noticed first), then I saw on my profile that my “wayfarer agreements” stats were set to 0. I had almost 200 nominations reviewed and that was set to 0. In addition, the achievement medal inside the pokémon go game app, was also reset!!
  • noticed this the first time I saw the updated website with dark mode.
  • using my iphone, same device used to play pokémon go
  • using wayfarer website on safari

The proof I have is that I have used 1 upgrade in the past, but like the others on my profile, that counter was also reset. See attached screenshots.

you’ve included a past screenshot but not a current one, can you share what the profile page looks like now?

when you login to the wayfarer site, do you have multiple accounts for whichever provider (Google, Facebook, etc) you use and is it possible you’ve logged in with the wrong one?

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That is a current screenshot, I did some reviews, but that was after every counter was set to zero a few days ago and before making this post.

As you can see, the current screenshot says I have used 0 upgrades, because my profile got reset. I have only one profile and this profile is linked to Pogo, which reset my medal progress as well

I did not include any past screenshots, only the proof that used an upgrade in the past. If I had past screenshots of my profile they would show around 80 nominations approved and around 200 nominations reviewed.

Why gaslight and disappear?

We are mostly fellow explorers who comment here, not paid staff employees. Staff members have “Niantic” in their names. And they are not paid to sit here and monitor the forum. Your issue will be reviewed by Niantic personnel. Tehstone was trying to help you post information that will help them solve your issue. There was no need to post a second topic on this.

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Hey, please reconsider your tone towards fellow forum users that are trying to help you.
@tehstone 's question regarding whether you use multiple login methods is pointing to one of the possible causes of your problem, I would also suggest checking that.

Yes, I am sure that the login method I used is the same one that I have always used, I did not accidentally login to another account. I made this post on this forum wondering if this has happened to anyone else. Or if there is something I don’t know because I am new. Are the profiles reset on the near year?

No, they are not supposed to reset over time.

I don’t suppose you’ve recently requested to delete an account from a different Niantic game/product linked to this email/login method?

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Yes, I recently requested to delete my inactive Ingress account. Is this a consequence of that, or a glitch associated with that?

What was your Ingress level (if you remember) and did you have Wayfarer access through it?
There have been similar issues in the past, but I have not heard of this happening for a while. I would suggest staff take a look here.

I was level 0 or level 1, I never played, but basically the game wouldn’t let me delete my account through the app so I had to delete it by emailing support. Thank you for helping me out, my next step was going to be contacting support.

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I see the old post of someone with the same issue, so I understand that deleting my account caused this. It seems weird and something people should know. I carefully read the email from Niantic support, the one that was confirming my account deletion, and it does not mention this happening anywhere. But I am satisfied because I know how to avoid this in the future.

other stuff going on, I don’t live on the forums and I don’t owe you or anyone else here anything. I asked the first questions that came to mind and then wasn’t able to check back. if it’s not the stuff I suspect then it probably requires Niantic to take a look. good luck with whatever the issue is.


I know someone who had their progress reset years ago and never got anywhere with Niantic to restore it. She stopped doing reviews because of it.

If you manage to get anywhere with restoring your progress please let us know.

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@vouyo did you mark this as solved? you need to uncheck that if you did it so that staff knows it still needs attention. unless you got your settings back?

No, I really didn’t lose much progress relative to some people so it’s ok. Someone I talked to from Wayfarers Campfire group showed me their stats and had over 10000 agreements so I think I’ll be ok.

Due to some glitch I could not delete my Ingress account from the application, so I had to do it through support. I’m not sure if that makes a difference, but it seemed like a way more serious process because of this email:

It does not say anywhere “your wayfarer profile wil also be reset”
It’s a known issue and it’s hard to tell if it’s “working as intended” They really need to put it in writing somewhere, or fix it. This could happen to anyone. Some people may think, “why are you even deleting your account?” That is entirely up to personal choice, and I would have chosen differently if I had this information.

Edit: Part of it wasn’t my choice, it was a compulsion from my OCD seeing the game appear on my Campfire profile, (even thought it’s only visible to me). In retrospect, with the information I now have I do believe I would have been able to overcome that compulsion.

All the wording in this email is about your “game account” To imply that ALL data, not just GAME data associated with your email will be deleted, even though I played Ingress for a total of 4 minutes, is ridiculous. I really hope Niantic staff sees this.