Proposals have been in voting for a long time

Hello everyone, I’m here to request assistance due to some proposals that have been in voting for quite a while. This is unusual, as in my area, typically after submitting several proposals, I’ve found that decisions are made within a few days. Yet, I have some that have been in voting for a long time.
Two of them were submitted since 04/15/2024, and have been in voting for over 15 days without a decision. In fact, one of them was even improved, which theoretically should ‘accelerate’ the decision process.
The situation worsens with my first proposal, which was submitted since 03/07/2024, almost two months ago! It’s been in voting, awaiting a decision.
I hope someone can assist me, and I’m attaching a photo of the proposals.

Could you provide some location information for these submissions?

It’s possible that they’re in an area that doesn’t have a large number of reviewers, which may be causing them to still be in voting; they may not have been reviewed by enough people to reach a decision yet.

This probably isn’t what you want to hear, but in many areas 2 months would be fast turnaround for wayfarer.


I still have nominations from 2022 not decided.

That is odd that your upgraded one hasn’t been decided yet. See if there are any similar posts in Bug Reports & Technical Support


This isn’t my case, as I mentioned in the post, I’ve already submitted many other proposals and none of them take more than 1 week ‘in voting,’ so it’s an abnormal situation for me.

In my area, fortunately, there are many voters, and I’ve already submitted quite a few proposals. In my normal experience, proposals in voting take at most 1 week, so this is definitely a bug.

It would still help to know the location. From the screenshot you submitted, it looks like you have only submitted 3 nominations and no more.

As others have said above, review times can vary even in the same general area. Community review can definitely take a few months, and it is normal that it will be a little longer if you didn’t get an automated accept or reject. Nothing is looking unusual on your non-upgraded ones. Check out this discussion with the same question: My stop was rejected but I can't remove it? will it effect the time it takes for my others to be reviewed

As for the upgraded one (if it is indeed Upgraded and not set to Upgrade Next, maybe @MegaTrainerRed can confirm), this is less normal, if you can share its coordinates that’d be appreciated.

Hola buenas! Veo que tu área está en México así que, con tu permiso, te contestaré en español. Los tiempos en los que permanece una propuesta en votación son muy variados, dependiendo de numerosos factores los cuales realmente desconocemos la mayoría, uno de ellos muy importante es el número de revisores en tu área.
En los últimos tiempos los periodos de resolución de una propuesta se han visto enormemente reducidos debido a la utilización de una ML por parte de Niantic, quizás es por eso que consideras que 15 días es mucho tiempo para que obtengan una resolución. Hace menos de un año lo normal es que las propuestas necesitasen de entre 1 y 2 años y medio para obtener una sin utilizar una mejora. Como ves ha habido una enorme mejoría, por lo que solicitaría un poco más de paciencia respecto a esas dos propuestas que llevan dos semanas en votación normal, pues no es un bug lo que nos comentas aquí.
En cuanto a tu propuesta con una mejora aplicada que lleva tiempo en votación y no obtiene una resolución, sí que es algo anormal de ver. Llevo recopilando algunos ejemplos de otros usuarios durante cierto tiempo, por lo que agradecería si me pudieses proporcionar la siguiente información para añadirlo a la lista de ejemplos para poder presentárselo a Niantic:

  • Título de la propuesta: Mural Feminista “Nuestros Derechos También Valen”
  • Ubicación: (Incluir las coordenadas más aproximadas posibles)
  • Fecha en la que se nominó: April 14th
  • Fecha en la que se aplicó la mejora:
  • Nombre en el juego:

Muchísimas gracias por tu colaboración! Cualquier duda o comentario que desees añadir será bien recibido ^^

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