Proposta Bloccata

Buongiorno a tutti, mi sembra di avevo letto che era gia capitato a qualcuno non mi ricordo come si è risolto e visto che è capitato anche a me lo espongo, ho 3 richieste bloccate. Vi spiego 2 di queste richieste le ho fatte il 4 settembre e ho messo upgrade (non upgrade successivo) 5 giorni fa ma ancora non sono andati in voto la terza richiesta invece (fatta l’8 settembre) l’ho messa ieri in upgrade ma non è ancora andata in voto ed aveva la stessa caratteristica delle prime due richieste di cui ho parlato praticamente ho notato non sò se può servire che a queste richieste “bloccate” mancava il pulsante “in Pausa” (foto 1 anomalia - foto 2 come è normalmente). Se effettivamente sono bloccate metto le foto con i nomi delle richieste (foto 3-4-5)


There are two things here.

  1. Upgrades do indeed appear to be slow at the moment. Please see an acknowledgement of that by the Niantic team here. That’s all we know for now. I don’t think waiting for 3-5 days as you have so far is uncommon at this time. I agree we all wish upgrades would go faster. I would certainly recommend raising it again on here if it reaches several weeks (I hope for you that it doesn’t).
  2. The ability to “Hold” nominations (“In pausa” in your screenshot) disappears once your nomination received its first community vote. I would bet that there is a difference in status between the nominations you screenshotted the tops of, for example one is “In voting” and the other isn’t. To our knowledge this is not related to upgrade struggles.

If you would like us to further comment on the status of your nominations we would indeed need to see fuller screenshots (ideally if you could set your website language to English before taking screenshots to avoid any form of misunderstanding - I enjoy reading Italian but unfortunately in non-English languages nomination status labels are often mistranslated or misleading, causing confusion).

I am writing to you with the translator so sorry if there are any mistakes. Thanks for the answer I will wait more time. For point 2 instead I am very sure that they were “in queue” and not “in voting” because as you can see in the photo the proposal is “in queue” and there is no “Hold” (it is yet another example) and I am sure that all those “blocked” were like this (that’s why I suspect that the two things are connected). Then maybe it’s just my obsession.

i just checked and they got the vote i just had to wait more. thanks and sorry for the waste of time

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Cool, thank you for reporting back! Like I said they are slow, but it’s looks like it’s extreme cases that take a really long time. Glad yours was not one of these.

Sorry, above I wasn’t asking you to write in English, I read Italian and others following along (hi :wave: ) can use the translate button so it’s perfectly fine to post in whatever language you are more comfortable in. I just wanted to see the labels on the nomination in English by switching the Wayfarer website language as sometimes they are mistranslated in Latin languages, e.g. French. But either way it doesn’t really matter now.

I don’t know why the “hold” button would sometimes be missing but I think it’s been seen before on this forum.

Ciao, stavo giusto per scrivere che sono sicuro di aver votato Soldier Snoopy e quasi sicuro di aver votato anche Postmodern Sculpture, mi fa piacere che vada tutto bene. Non preoccuparti di far “perdere tempo” agli altri, i forum sono qui apposta. Se hai telegram, so che c’è un gruppo che si chiama Wayfarer Italia, se in futuro avrai altre domande puoi farle anche lì