Review not loading

I know for a fact that there are nominations in the voting in my district that I haven’t seen. However, when trying to go to the review page, the page takes a long time to load with the Niantic logo, after which it says that the nominations are over.
What’s the problem?

Hi @DenialN1

I can’t say for sure what is happening but a few thoughts that might help.

How have you set up your home and bonus locations? Some people set their Home location to where they are currently living. This unfortunately gives you a smaller pool of things to review. Your local play area is already taken into account for reviews. You want to make sure your Home location, bonus location, and play area are spaced far from each other.

Another note about your local play area, I believe there is a bit of a margin around you. They don’t necessarily want you to review things in extremely close proximity for fear of bias.

I didn’t set up a bonus location. And, although I set up a home location a long time ago, for some unknown reason it is not fixed and it seems like I can set it up again (but I don’t want to).

You may continue to have problems if you don’t set up a Home location.

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I’m afraid that after setting up a home location, the number of possible to review nominations will decrease.

Setting up a Home location will increase your pool of reviews. Just put it the next city over. Or another place you are familiar with. I used the city I grew up in since I don’t live there anymore.

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