Saint Mary’s bay

Only one pokestop in town

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Welcome to the forum @oskardaviid

I don’t understand your post. Do you have a question?

Hi Cyndie,
I was hoping to get a pokestop put in near the bay in Saint Mary’s Alaska. We don’t have a single gym and there is only one pokestop in town.

Thanks for your help

We can’t submit Pokestops for you here. You need to be level 37 in Pokemon Go or level 10 in Ingress to submit them. If you are high enough level, we can walk you though the process.

If you can get one more Pokestop accepted inside the larger L14 S2 cell outlined in red, you should get a gym. Since the schools are not eligible, I would try the Tribal Government building.

Hello @oskardaviid
I’m going to move this to nomination support as I’m sure some fellow wayfinders would like to help you.
What level are you in Pokémon Go?

Would these be considered school property? @oskardaviid

It looks like there may be a church somewhere too?

Maybe the harbour or something around it may work too.

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Thank you I will get pictures and send them into nomination

Yes the courts are technically school property, would a picture of them pass in nomination support?

If you are high enough level to submit, I would also recommend this post office.

It will be in a different level 14 S2 cell, but should give you another Pokestop.

If you don’t already know about S2 cells and Pokemon Go, this is a good article:

There isn’t Street View there, so it is kind of hard to make suggestions. When you are looking for things you might submit, keep these ideas in mind:

Must meet at least one of the three eligibility criteria

  • A great place for exploration
  • A great place for exercise
  • A great place to be social with others

Please post photos here of anything you want to submit but aren’t sure about.


Unfortunately if the courts are part of the school they can’t be used.

Is there a more public play area?

We can help you prepare good submissions so that hopefully they get accepted.
This is an excellent article on making a good submission.

Do read this and the information that Cyndie posted about S2 cells so that you avoid the frustration of submitting and then your wayspots not appearing.


I wanted to tag @aliccolo to that post :hugs:

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Thank you for tagging me, @AliceWonder1511 . Hi @oskardaviid, it’s so nice to meet you. I have a couple ideas on what might be eligible to submit.

  • The Algaaqic Tribal Government building. If not the building itself, maybe there’s artwork, a plaque, or something like that inside which would qualify under the exploration category.
  • Similarly the courthouse could be a location with some Wayspots. If there’s an art installation, a plaque… Even the courthouse itself could qualify.
  • as was mentioned above, the post office for sure is a spot to nominate
  • Alaska Commercial Company. In a larger community, a general store may be considered a generic business but I think in a village the size of St Mary’s a case could be made that it’s a gathering place that is a vital part of the community. It is a bit iffy, but I think you could make a good case for it being a social gathering spot.
  • Eagle’s Nest Lodge might qualify or have something inside which qualifies.
  • I tried to find if there’s a church in the village and couldn’t find anything besides the St Mary icon. If there’s a church or other religious building that could qualify.
  • Likewise, normally cemeteries are sensitive locations and would be rejected as such, but if there’s a chapel at the cemetery or a memorial at the cemetery that might work. By memorial I mean one dedicated to a community leader or an event, something like that.
  • If there’s any sort of restaurant, cafe, or public eatery I would nominate that as well. Any place where folks gather to socialize could be a good place for a Wayspot.
  • I couldn’t tell if there’s any parks or play areas aside from the ones at the schools. If there’s a playground anywhere else, that would be a good nomination as long as it’s not on private property.
  • If there are any works of public art, a statue, a mural, a carving, a preserved piece of machinery, vehicle, a old structure…
  • The airport. It’s far away from where everyone lives but the next time you’re there I’d definitely nominate the airport itself, and if there’s anything distinctive inside I’d nominate that too.
  • One more idea, though I’m not sure if it exists or not, if there’s some sort of sign welcoming travelers to the village that could qualify under the exploration criteria.

When making your nominations, I would emphasize that in rural communities like yours that what might seem generic or run of the mill really isn’t. For example, if there’s only one restaurant, explain that this is literally the one spot everyone comes to for a dinner out, making it an important local hangout. Nominations might take a few tries to get through. Don’t get discouraged! If it doesn’t pass on the first attempt, you can always try again or ask for guidance here.

I hope these ideas could be helpful. As a fellow Alaskan (though I have lived abroad for many years now) I am happy to see you here on the forum and I am hopeful that we can get the community in St Mary’s a few more Wayspots at the very least. If you’d like some help in crafting your nominations, don’t hesitate to ask!


There also seems to be some type of winter trail that starts at st marys and ends at pilot station. There should be trail markers for you to submit as it says there are some on the website. Community Winter Trails Program,53.102,-123.2194,72.0645&zoom=true&previewImage=false&scale=true&legendlayers=true&disable_scroll=true&theme=light

Zoom into st marys and you’ll see a purple line that takes you to pilot station, that’s the trail.