Select photos that don't meet criteria

Greetings all!

Ok – this is a fairly common edit / review for me.

Let’s say there are three pics all matching the description. One is outstanding and easily the best photo of the subject. The other two are both good and better than a lot you see in games.

Do you select – so as – to just leave the best one?

Should we always pick the best one – then – choose the discard option for the rest?

There is the “all photos meet the criteria” selection — What are they actually requiring with these edits?

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These photo edits are still reviewed according to the photo guidelines and rejection criteria.

Basically, it is reviewing only for the main photo of a whole nomination. All accepted photos will be added to the wayspot gallery that you can view within game objects of each app.

It is not a “choose the best” type of review. There is a flag photo option as well.


Thanks so much for your reply.

Just reiterating that I am talking about reviewing edits here.

Presumably someone has submitted a photo – through the app — that they consider superior to the photo currently used.

The information supplied is sketchy. It just says select photos that don’t meet criteria. It doesn’t indicate which is the newer photo nor any details.

If we keep agreeing that the inferior photo does meet criteria how does a superior photo make it into the games?

Each wayspot is allowed to have multiple photos. So you accept a new photo by not rejecting it. New photos don’t mean old photos can’t be associated with the wayspot. Photo edits give you at least a subset of photos for the wayspot. All you are asked to do is evaluate if they meet photo eligibility criteria.

Both Pokémon Go and Ingress allow players to vote for their favorite photo in game. This is how the cover photos are selected.


No, there are a lot of reasons to submit a photo that don’t involve thinking yours is superior. Maybe it looks great in PoGo, but not in Ingress. Maybe the lighting or time of year is different. Maybe you just want to add another view for others to enjoy. If they are all acceptable, accept them all.

An issue comes up when people submit photos that do not match the Wayspot. In that case, I only look at the current Wayspot information to decide if this photo is acceptable for that Wayspot. Niantic has been very clear that repurposing Wayspots is not allowed.

If you really want to know what the original was, there are tools available outside of wayfarer that you can add on.


Above replies basically sum it up. You can see the gallery after the “>” button in photo discs and gifts, Ingress has a similar UI for keys and portal info iirc.

Bugs for this feature have been reported, once again an imperfect feature for now.

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Many thanks everyone for the information.