Should Waypoint nominations automatically go on hold?

Was thinking

Would it improve quality of nominations if all nominations go into hold and nominators have to log into wayfarer to confirm, update and submit for review?


I think giving an auto-hold option would be better, as not all would want their nominations/edits put on hold.

I have greatly benefited from ML approving most of my submissions last year, and typically, once they are uploaded to my Contribution Management, I check them to make sure everything’s good, so I really don’t need to use the hold option. If they’re still in queue, I still have time to edit nominations or withdraw any submissoion.

I can also see people forgetting to release submissions from hold, then wondering why it’s taking so long for them to be decided upon. Hence why I’d rather have it be an option, like auto-upgrade, not a feature applied to all Wayfinders’ accounts that can’t be changed.


I would like this, yes… but not as default as I think many submitters wouldn’t understand it.


I had made this suggestion in the past. I thought having to come to the Wayfarer site would be a good way to force people who nominate to visit there so that news and updates could be shared. But even with the Challenge information posted on the main page, people still managed to miss that there was a challenge going on, so I am not sure that would help after all.

If there were a toggle to turn on to send everything to hold, I would turn it on.


I like the idea of forcing a visit to the wayfarer website for a final check and release.
There could be an auto reminder email sent if someone had something on hold for a set length of time.

To take it a step further….
So I wouldn’t even call it on hold.
it could be a receiving point to check and submit into wayfarer. So creating a divide at the submission stage between the game they do the initial stage from into a separate system, Wayfarer. Yes it isn’t a smooth single process, but I think there is a need to distinguish wayfarer as something different. Better that happens at the start, rather than when something is approved.

Sorry I took the on hold bit down a rabbit hole :joy:


The final stage of submitting a waypoint asks me to review all the information I have entered is correct before hitting the submit button, I do not need or want an additional step forced upon me after I have verified all my entered information is correct. As an option for those that want it, sure, let em have it.


Would having a toggle that defaults to on but can be turned off serve the goal of forcing submitters to find their contributions page at least once without punishing people who don’t need this?

There seem to be plenty of people who don’t know they can find more complete rejection reasons there than in the email. Or that they can make edits after submitting.

A default auto-hold for new Wayfinders wouldn’t be a bad idea. If they have the option to later turn it off after reviewing the Wayfarer website, that might actually cut down on some questions that they have. Some come right to the forums from the emails and start asking questions, while some of those questions could be answered on the Wayfarer website.

But, as I said earlier, I wouldn’t want the option, having to take that extra step, hence why I recommended a auto-hold toggle option like auto-upgrade. And if new users don’t want it on either after their first submission, then they have the option to turn off as well.

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As a wayfarer newcomer I would be against any “automatic put the nomination on hold” feature.

My opinion is that more nominators are required and that it needs to be as easy as possible for players to get involved in the wayfarer aspect of the games.

Sure there is a bit of shock when you first get to this site but it’s easy enough to get a handle on stuff over time. Keep this place friendly and accepting for newcomers. Also we need to remember that newcomers who have nominated from in game have probably never heard of wayfarer, POIs, wayspots or light ship.

The trick is to keep them involved as they learn.

In my case I have now passed 2000 agreements and have had many new spots accepted.

I generally do the nomination in the field and submit it straight away. Often there is not time or it may be inconvenient to put as much detail as you would like at the point of submission. Of course, there is always battery to consider too. But you can edit when you get home and fill it out if needed. This is what I do as it is much easier and no general public wondering what you are doing.

Having an option to submit later would be ok as long as it automatically submitted after say 24 hours.

I think that a quick. easy, simple submission system is the best way to encourage new submitters, The finer points can be learnt over time, if they are still interested.

PS It may be that lots of contributors are players first and foremost and wayfarers as an adjunct.

I think keeping the newcomer’s submissions held at first (with the option to automatically not hold) is another method to get them involved. Visiting the site may initially set them up for learning that this goes beyond the games contrary to what is initially told by the current submission UI. The onboarding process is similarly set up to show the introduction to Wayfarer.

People cannot learn what they do not know exists. This applies to the criteria, inclusion rules, and in general. We have to balance ease & learning; I think gradual interactions within the site may help with that.


But it is mentioned in every mail.

People just don’t read. Not only the wayfarer emails, but in general.
I’m playing a MMO and in the wolrd chat there are often question like “How do I … ?”, “Where can I find … ?” It’s all written in the game. The just have to read the quest texts or instructions, which pop up before doing some things.

Having the auto-hold option put on by default would confuse them much more. But I would be very much in favor of having such an option. Unlike @RoIi112 I prefer editing my texts on desktop screen rather than on the small mobile screen before submitting. :wink:

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I am also absolutely certain that the absolute majority of people don’t know there is a website. That enabled by default would result in having nothing to review pretty fast, imo. As an opt-in option, I would absolutely love that.

Even as an option… there would be lots of confusion and bug reports. From my experience, there are many people thst press every button available to them bot understanding what it does.

But they have to visit the wayfarer web page first. Since they don’t do that, they can’t turn the option on.
Problem solved :wink:

I think it can be trialled. You just tell people visit the nomination website to review. Provide link. Tell them they can do it later. in game reminder they have nominations waiting.

I am convinced a lot of people rush nominations. Oh that looks good. Give it a go. Don’t have time to ensure it is right. Sometimes you have to lead people.

I am dealing with multiple rejections a day with poor nominations. I don’t think people learn. They don’t come here to read. They don’t read the website and they skim the nomination guides. So what else can we do? This is an idea to steer quality and help people learn.

It can be part of the onboarding process. Your nomination will not proceed until you have reviewed your nomination in wayfarer. People will learn way quick. Socialisation of an idea early. Tweak onboarding process. It is not that hard to manage a subtle change like this.

And I think we misjudge a lot of people. I reckon a lot of people would love to know how to do better. How to work improve their nominations. But you’re right they will not go look for the answers. So that means they need a steer.

Anyway a fun conversation and thank you to everyone for chipping in!!!

That sounds annoyingly burdensome.

Just add it as an optional feature.

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Nominations could automatically go on hold - for 48 hours.

The nomination email could say “To speed your results, go to Niantic Wayfarer to review your text and release it to be queued for voting.”

When people come here to ask why it’s taking so long to resolve, we could say “Did you follow the email instructions and release it early, or did you let it stay on hold the whole 48 hours?”

48 hours is nothing though, and I bet most new users won’t care much about waiting that amount of time.

I mean, the emails say that new Wayspots can take up to 48 hours to show up in-game, if they meet inclusion rules, yet we still have so many asking where their stop or portal is.

If I had to come here to do a nomination I would have taken one look and passed on the idea.

I quite enjoy coming here now and doing reviews etc.

I am primarily a Go player. I couldn’t be bothered to nominate stops when you had to pass a test first. It was only after I found out you could nominate from in game that I got started during 2024. Not that many players are passionate about wayspots etc in my opinion. They are doing fellow players and the company a free service when the identify and submit elegi