Got a nomination approved in its own cell only to see it turn into a power spot. How insanely aggravating and upsetting. I’ve started a large community in my area that has 100+ members and I can’t say I know ANY of them that are thrilled about power spots, let alone a power spot that should’ve been a pokestop. That was my 99th approved waypoint. If this doesn’t change, I am completely through with wayfarer. Not wasting my time on foolish power spots that are all over the place and also, in terrible locations.
Welcome to the forum @ChancelorOfKaos
This is most likely a sync timing issue and the Pokestop just hasn’t synced in yet. We have actually seen some reports of “Frankenspots” where the powerspot and the Pokestops exist at the same time. The powerspots at these locations seem to not reappear again after the first appearance.
Since you know about cells, I am not going to offer to check that, but if you used iitc, did you check for any Wayspots in the cell that aren’t eligible to show as portals?
Edited to add a screen snip of a Frankenspot
Hello and welcome,
Are you able to share the location of the Wayspot in question? We’d be more than happy to look at the S2 cell location to see if it meets inclusion rules. Keep in mind if you are using a 3rd party map to determine S2 cells, these aren’t always accurate.
PoGo uses S2 cells to determine where stops/gyms are in game, and it could be that there are other Wayspots that are already stops/gyms in the area, so this Wayspot could be an unused one, thus becoming a Power Spot.
I myself have nominated and gotten accepted many Wayspots that do not show up in PoGo due to the S2 density rules, but do sometimes show up as Power Spots. Not all unused Wayspots in PoGo do get used as Power Spots though, as many were imported from a 3rd party database.
More info on S2 cells in PoGo can be found here:
More info on Power Spots can be found here:
I did check the cell, it was an empty s17. I used IITC to make sure I was properly inside and also once I got the confirmation email from wayfarer, I used the coordinates in to make sure it was in an empty cell. Sometimes how the grid is laid out in IITC lines up differently with Pogomap, not usually but I checked to make sure since it was somewhat close to a border line. Checks out that if was in a clear cell. It is less than 48 hours so I’ll give it time. It was about 24 hours after the approval that the power spot showed up. And thank for the picture showing the “frankenspot” haven’t seen one of those yet!
Thanks for your response, I do know the rules very well and understand the system. I have seen when nominating that different business are “tagged” by niantic as in use for another game. It also doesn’t make sense when seeing these because some of the locations have been gone for years… check out my response to cyndiepooh
be sure to update us if/when the pokestop syncs in. for me on the east coast, i start checking around 2:30- 3:00pm EST - we can check for other issues if it doesn’t!
I’m sorry, I don’t understand this comment.
Also, if you’re using IITC, you should double check once the Wayspot goes live (if it meets ingestion rules) in Ingress so you can get the precise coordinates since it’s possible locations are moved while in voting.
I’ll check in Ingress, however the Wayspot popped up exactly where I placed the location pin. Not showing in IITC.
On the tagged locations, besides showing pokestop “markers” when placing the location during submittal, I’ve seen other small red wayfarer tags that show other places of business or wayspots?? That are currently being used in other niantic games, or something along those lines. I haven’t seen them in the past.
Will do, I’m on the east coast too, NJ. Thank you
Ok, I think what you’re referring to is Portals, “Lightship only Wayspots,” and the (only recently in the last few weeks) Powerspot imports.
All these orange marks show up from time to time as Powerspots.
The tell is (usually) having no photo.
Ingress-only and Lightship-only can also show up, too, as Powerspots. It isn’t exclusively these.
Preemptive (or rather late) apologies if I’m explaining things you already know. Also, congrats on the 99 approvals and I’m looking forward to you getting triple digits!
Yes! “Lightship only Wayspots” I really haven’t seen them before. I see portals but yea, these were different with no picture. Thank you for the clarification
They have been in PoGo in the past, but if you didn’t have the toggle to see them on, you might miss them.
The unused Wayspots on the PoGo map, when the toggle was on, used to be red , but they are now orange and include unused Wayspots, Wayspots used in other games (Ingress has sponsored portals, like how PoGo has sponsored stops/gyms), as well as locations used as Power Spots. Not everyone knows about this change as it’s only been around for a few months in PoGo. This image is for 2 apartment buildings that are used as Power Spots from time to time, for example.
That’s interesting because I’ve seen the pokestop symbols while submitting but never one of the wayfarer tags. Maybe there just wasn’t any in any of the areas I was submitting. But I tapped on some of those around my submission and I know one of the businesses that I was showing closed up about 5 years ago. Thanks for info! Very helpful
Portal showing in Ingress, showing in IITC but still a power spot in PoGo
Working at the abundance of caution here.
Ingress has different inclusion mechanism(s) vs other games.
Can you confirm it is still in an empty L17 S2 cell? I’d also note the overworld map in PoGO, since there is a discrepancy between each game’s inclusion mechanisms.
Other peculiarities is also possible: geoblocks, skipped syncs, etc. Providing the coordinates and name of the wayspot may help zone in on what might have happened. If you’re lucky, Niantic might confirm what caused this. Would wait 'til 48 hours has elapsed though, personally.
hmm. max mondays have been causing sync issues in pogo sometimes, so still could be that. but would you mind sharing the portal - either a link or name and gps coordinates?
41.003567, -74.335431
Here are the coordinates, they did not change from my original location drop. Still in a completely free cell according to IITC and
Thanks, I usually would wait, but seeing the power spot pop up didn’t sit right with me. Off topic but I think the power spots should be smaller like pokestops, they’re obnoxiously large and in the way on the map. Personally I can’t stand them. When tapping on the power spot in question it says it will be available Dec. 17th 5am. I had seen someone else write about this in a wayfarer summary email. That person didn’t understand the cell system from what I read. I do, and it’s just puzzling me, hopefully within or at the 48 hr period it switches to a stop. I believe the s14 already has 12 or 13 pokestops/gyms. So I know if anything it will be a stop and not a gym, got a way to go to get another gym out of that cell
If the Max Monday caused a delay in sync, then the Wayspot would still be considered “Lightship only” at this time and therefore eligible to be a Powerspot.
It’s a bit weird and probably weirder that it “makes perfect sense to me” that way.
So, check on it tomorrow afternoon. If it isn’t a Stop, I still wouldn’t give up hope, it may need to fully run down the Powerspot timer (or maybe that’s one of the causes of the “Frankenstein” Cyndie shared).
Gotcha that does make sense, trying to be patient lol thank you all