
Are they eligible or not? I know they were a few years ago, and a lot of them in my area are pokestops or gyms now. I tried submitting one last year, but it was rejected quickly. It also wouldn’t let me submit the nomination with the word stinkpipe.

Now the same stinkpipe has popped up as a pokestop. So someone else must have submitted it, and it was accepted. The word stinkpipe doesn’t seem to be banned anymore either. I took this to mean they’re eligible again, and submitted another yesterday but it was rejected by “the team” this morning.


The list of things that are truly ineligible is rather short, such as schools for children under 18 years of age, private, single-family residential property, etc. But just because something is eligible, doesn’t mean it that it will be acceptable.
That’s where the eligibility criteria come in. The argument can be made for many things that they are, in fact, in great place to socialize, a great place to exercise, or a great place to explore. Sometimes the difference between acceptance and rejection is simply the strength of the argument and supporting materials.
It may be that your submission, if it went to the community, wasn’t convincing enough or you simply got reviewers who don’t like stink pipes. Could be if the submission went to the ML algorithm that there was something in the photo that might have caused rejection.
Ultimately, they can be eligible if one can convince reviewers that it meets one of the three eligibility criteria. If i doubt, you can always post your nominations here for suggestions on how to tweak the language.


Welcome to the forums! Your name is amazing, by the way.

Can you please help me understand a bit more about what a “stinkpipe” is? I know them specifically as a type of venting system for plumbing, but I must be missing something. Can you please share your original nomination, and/or a screenshot of the one that popped up in PGo?

Thanks so much! I am intrigued…

For the uninitiated in the UK a stink pipe (aka stench pipe) is a piece of street furniture typically dating to the 19th century, designed to vent noxious gases from the sewer system beneath.

They’re often quite tall and difficult to get the whole thing in a photo, but here’s one I took:

Many stink pipes are redundant, but I believe some are still used for their original purpose. Typically there will be a cast iron base with the maker’s name (the one in the picture is W.E. Farrer), a metal tube (sometimes replaced with a more modern material) and a crown at the top (often missing).

These are over a century old and therefore are of historical interest, generally making them eligible under the exploration criteria. Note that calling it a “stink pipe” will probably get blocked by the Scunthorpe filters, but a “stinkpipe” will work.

Some more info:

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Thanks so much! I am interested in seeing the submitter’s nomination so I can see how the object was described, to be honest. I think sometimes it’s easy to say “they can be eligible” or “aren’t automatically eligible,” but that doesn’t mean a ton to a new submitter without concrete feedback. I’m guessing the one that was approved had a description that focused on the historical relevance/use of the object, but I can’t be sure without seeing the two, and I certainly don’t want to imply that the OP didn’t do so without seeing what they submitted, if that makes sense?


A stinkpipe sounds like something id like to stay clear of, not congregate at.


Ive tried to get a victorian lamp post as a waypoint a couple of times now. Due to the makers mark I can see it was manufactured in my town at a Foundry that is now the reason we have a “foundry quarter”.

The ML hates Victorian street furniture, and the appeals team too.

I think that things like stink pipes, postboxes and other victorian items can often be accepted if they are given to UK reviewers, but if they dont ever get to the community voting then theyre pointless to submit

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This would be lightship only


Thats a really beautiful one!

Is that lamppost listed on Historic England?

I dont know… but equally I’m not sure “Emily” cares :laughing:

Resubmitted it, and it was booted by AI again.

It looks just like the tree it’s beside.
To be honest I don’t think this one is worth persisting with.

I had the same experience. I don’t get it.

Hello and welcome @leica1234
When you say the same experience …do you mean a rejection of stinkpipe specifically or an auto reject ( these can be referred to as the work of Emily or ML which are shorthand terms of the AI program that uses Machine Learning to assess and accepts some and rejects some nominations.)

Hmmm… Emily does probably think it’s a tree. You might be better off with a photo of the base if it’s in good condition.

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