Submissions stuck in queue, unable to put back on hold or edit

Bug Reports should include the following and any additional information you feel is necessary to aid in the investigation of the bug.

  • Description of the issue

I’ve got two submission, that seem to be stuck somewhere between ‘in queue’ and ‘in voting’. They are displayed as ‘in queue’ but unlike other submissions the button to put them back into hold is not even showing up. Trying to edit those submission is causing an error.
Basically same issue as in: Bugged nomination?

  • Date first (or most recently) experienced


location: 50.231966 ,10.70887

location: 50.373239 ,10.837512

Hi @OdiMahoni
Willkommen im Forum :hugs:
Das ist ein bekanntes Fehlverhalten, wenn die Nominierung mit “als nächstes upgraden” gekennzeichnet ist.
Versuche mal, ob du in den Einstellungen “automatisch upgraden” angeknipst hast. Falls ja, empfehle ich dir das auszuschalten und upgrades manuell zu setzen.
Ob du damit aber nochmal an diese Nominierung drankommst weiß ich leider nicht.

Da ist nix gekennzeichnet. Das verwechselst du mit dem Button um die Kennzeichnung zu aktivieren (die wäre dann nach “In der Warteschlange” unterhalb des Titels). Automatische Upgrades hab ich seit Ewigkeiten aus.

Oh ja stimmt :face_with_peeking_eye:
Zumindest kann das dann ausgeschlossen werden.

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Hi! I also don’t know why these would be missing the Hold button and it’d be great if it was back. From a recent similar thread, this in principle doesn’t prevent them from going into voting. Thanks for providing detailed info about your nominations!

Could you please also show a screenshot of you not managing to edit one and of the error it gives you? Those of mine that are missing this button are editable without issues.

So basically this is what happens when i try to edit them:

The first try always seem to work as intended. The edit-window closes normaly and the changes are diplayed in the submisson. But as soon as I reload the page the changes disappear.
When I try to edit the submission a second time (without reloading the page beforehand) I get this error:

Got it! Thank you, this is very helpful characterization of the issue.

Hey I nominated a few stops a week back but three of them have stuck in queue without the option to hold or withdraw. Can you take a look please.

OS Benchmark - Trowbridge Cemetery ( 51.331143,-2.200579 )
WCC Public Footpath Arrow - A366 Wingfield South Side ( 51.315861,-2.264319 )
WCC Public Footpath Arrow - A366 Wingfield North Side ( 51.315721,-2.261288 )

Hi, welcome, thank you for your examples. I will be merging your post with another describing the same issue for ease of access, as this has been reported a few times in recent days already.

You should now be able to hold these nominations. Thanks,

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One was accepted by the Machine Learning; the other two have the correct options added back in.