Did anyone recently come across this nomination from someone in telford ??.
Location:- 52.628326, -2.447216
I’m just curious as not only is it a dark photo and angled the wrong way I’ve had the same submission in queue since July and it was always “in voting”
Then 2 days ago I saw that the address location had changed on my submission to an incorrect one and it had been classed as an incorrect location and a low quality description 

This was also my first submission as a nomination so I’m a little annoyed as I waited so long for a descion and it got rejected then instantly the same location gets approved for someone else,I should have had priority over it lol.
I suspect foul play here seeing as they have also concealed there submission name (setting in wayfarer i think) so might be a Pokémon Go player and I know most of them nearby and they don’t submit.
No one bothered with this area until I started improving it so I don’t think it’s a local.
Also I’m curious as to how this never came my way in the past couple of days based on my location & bonus locations so here’s some investigating for you @NianticAaron to do as theres obviously some location mismatches going on for at least reviewers.
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I have never witnessed this. Are you certain that the address shown was different previously? Or did you just notice that the pin was not where you thought you had placed it. Even if reviewers move my pin, the nomination shows the same coordinates I submitted.
There is a glitch when submitting successively in Pokemon Go where the pin does not move that was causing issues with multiple nominations being pinned in the same spot. Could this have happened to yours? Is it showing the same location as another nomination you made?
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There are lots of local nominations I never see. First of all, the ML model could decide them. Second, they could have upgraded for a fast decision while I was not online. Third, no one sees every local nomination. That would be too easy to abuse by coordinating how to decide.
Most of my locations have been pretty spot on and taken a few attempts during crashes of the submission menus in ingress but I’ve also had a lot of submissions in the past week but only 1 approval.
The pin is fixed in Ingress as well,sometimes it moves but whenever I make a submission I always take the photos stood right in front of the object and stand really close to it and I get a resync gps button to make sure I’m accurate.
But the address that it changed too was 500 mtrs away and it remained in queue all this time,I was hoping I could have ammended it after it went live via a location edit because I suspect while it’s in queue no-one can edit it.
I haven’t checked who or what rejected it but if it’s Emily then I’ll be annoyed further.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this photo.
Thats not possible, that address is static, it doesnt change even when the nomination is accepted elsewhere during review. Even so less with it rejected. Your location possibly glitched while submitting.
Thats not how it works, no one gets priority. You don’t know if they submitted it before you, used an upgrage, appealed an old rejection, or simply got lucky with an ML acceptance, its all fair game.
Thus is not a fair assumption as this is a feature within Wayfarer and theres many valid reasons for obe to conceal their name.
It doesn’t have to be a local. Many of us travel to Wayfarer amd help other communities.
We dont get to review everything in our review areas, this is even more true now with MachineLearning, Niantic in house reviews, amd appeals.
Theres nothing to review here. No rules have been broken and theres nothing suspicious going on. We haven’t even seen your own nomination to see if it was rightfully rejected.
Hi @phantomr1982
Telford is in my normal review pool.
I don’t recall this one.
But I will not see everything from there, or everything from my very local area. In fact I rarely see things very local but that is the luck of the draw. If someone submitted it and applied an upgrade then it could easily leapfrog yours. Maybe they submitted it a long time ago and were finally in a position to upgrade. Maybe they had priority 
You will never know.
It’s frustrating but in the end if the day there is another wayspot. And it doesn’t matter if it’s you or someone else.