Upgrades STILL going to waste by NIA voting

Apparently these days each time I have used an upgrade, I have to post here to get them processed as they slide into NIA Voting. This one has been waiting for a week, which I think is unreasonable as we actually work for these upgrades. In normal voting an upgraded nomination gets processed in a maximum of two days.

Title of POI:
Entinen SOK:n myymälä-ravintola

It’s a historical building protected by The Finnish Heritage Agency built between the Winter War and the Continuation War in Finland. It’s still used by small businesses and restaurants and it even has a parish. While I realize ”SOK” might be unknown for non-Finns, it’s kind of a big deal in Finland. Seriously tho, I think the system is bugged, and I want my upgrade back and my nomination processed.

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Good news! Even if it didn’t go into Niantic Voting, your upgrade still wouldn’t have had any effect!


I see that it’s in Niantic voting, so it was either pulled by Niantic for review, or Machine Learning (ML) will make a decision on it. It’s not the same timeframe for nominations in Niantic voting.

A post was merged into an existing topic: ¿Debería de preocuparme si tarda más de lo habitual?

When ML makes decisions on nominations or edits they aren’t marked as in-voting by Niantic, those are just resolved by the bot. The ones that are marked as in-voting by Niantic are all human-reviewed.

@Ambassadors Can this be locked, since it was merged with another topic? Thanks!