Aaron sees all
I neeeeeeed my account
Feedback - If you view India it shudders to a halt after 5 seconds.
Would anyone be happy to submit without either the Intel map or the ‘official’ Niantic map?
Actually, I have a nomination rejected as a duplicate, but does not show up in the game I play (Ingress).
I would love to see what it is a duplicate of.
The spot is a collection of exercise equipment on one of those fitness cycles. And I’m darned curious if it is really a duplicate of a wayspot that is too close to another spot to be visible, or a “duplicate” of another spot further away that is worth appealing (I’ve never seen my photo show up, so not sure).
So, yeah, having regular access to the official list of wayspots would be nice.
they really do need to at least give us the duplicate toggle like pogo has in ingress.
Are you not a ‘developer’ ?
If my access hasn’t been revoked yet I can have a look.
I don’t know what a “developer” is.
I assume it would mean creating an account in Lightship, which I’m too lazy to do right now. :->
37.247725 , -121.817984
That makes two of us…
F12 is your friend (it is likely what you hit to open it, and it should toggle it closed as well).
Sorry, Idk all names which POIs are used for, or will be used
Yup. Thanks!
It looks like it is was a real duplicate to “Fitness Area 1” which is too close to the Playground.
North used to be “fitness area 2” which I got renamed. South was my nomination, and I would not be surprised if the submitter for “area 1” and “area 2” submitted an “area 3” as well, and becomes a dupe of mine.
Cool stuff.
I use neither. Lots of wasted time and effort ensues
Do you only use the in game map when submitting?
One person’s wasted is another person’s joy.