Wayspot report rejection appeal - Lonely Mooring Bollard

Wayspot Title: Lonely Mooring Bollard

Location: 45.408812, -73.720629

City: Kahnawake

Country: Canada

Screenshot of the Rejection Email:

Additional Information:
I was threatened with violence going there. You need to take a path that’s not well maintained in the middle of a river for +10km :

At around these coordinates (45.406959859566314, -73.60114891048185), there is a sign that says “Notice Kahnawake Mohawk Territory!!! No trespassing Violators will be prosecuted”:

I went anyway thinking it’s in the middle of a river, what could possibly happen (play stupid games, win stupid prizes, I know…). After I get there, I take the portal and enjoy the view to relax after my 40 mins bike ride.

Ten minutes later, a car pulls up from the same path I took and two guys get off, they start asking me questions like “Hey man what are you doing here? Is your bike broken or something?” to which I answer that I’m simply playing a game that requires me to physically be next to some objects to gain points, and then I point to the portal. They say they understand but strongly advise me to leave. They said (in their words): "You shouldn’t be here, there’s always people on the other side of the river looking through binoculars. If they see you, they’ll beat your a**).

So yeah, whether it’s true or just intimidation techniques, I wouldn’t want anyone else to get threatened (or worse…), it’s not a safe portal to get to or stay at. A quick research afterwards taught me that people who are not a part of their community are not welcome in the reserve outside of touristic areas.

Not to mention the portal is not an eligible object, I couldn’t even tell you what it is. It’s the yellow thing on the ground in this picture…?:

Other portals on the same road past the “No trespassing” sign include this graffiti under the bridge:
Hell Fine Club (45.410403, -73.658292)
and this geodetic survey:
Point géodésique DIABO (45.417581, -73.686052)

It’s not Niantic’s fault that you ignored the no trespassing signs.

Sounds like some people have access.


Yeah, you’re right. It was my decision and I should not have done it.

…but what’s done is done and I’m now questioning the legitimacy of such a wayspot considering:

  • a handful of territorial locals will protect the area and menace to physically hurt you if you go there, in an area where police has no jurisdiction. So is it truly accessible…?
  • the wayspot is not relevant to Niantic’s mission of promoting exploration, social or physical exercice

It takes humility to write in public about my wrongs, and the only reason I did it was because I know some other less than careful players like me will try their luck going there again and might encounter serious problems.

The territorial locals have pedestrian access and are allowed to be there, thats enough in Niantic’s eyes.

Whether or not the waypoint meets critiera for acceptance also doesnt reallt matter, as it doesnt seem to meet any critiera for removal

It doesnt sound like an ideal waypoint but I also dont think it needs removing. Just best to ignore it, sadly, and let people who do have access use it


I do have questions as to why this was ever accepted, but someone is accessing it.

I agree with this. And want to reiterate that all Niantic games upon launch advise the players not to trespass.

I understand that you @KanyeWest are reporting this more as a public service. And it is a good point that the item doesn’t look to meet current criteria. But that is not enough to warrant a removal.

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lol i posted a screenshot of the portal and got this

it is being used


I see your previous post about it being used. But I am in the conversation at the moment… a bit confused why your post was flagged.

it came back - idk why it got flagged

It would be nice to state clearly that the flag was system-generated or made by niantic. Plus a reason if it wasn’t done by the community.

Indeed, someone clearly has access and time enough to scan, which might only be 16 seconds but they seem to do it pretty regularly.

Yeah I’m the one who did all those scans in the few minutes before I was confronted, for the free fracker. They were ready to get uploaded in bulk when I was “asked” to leave and I ended up uploading them on the way back.

Now that I think about it though, repeatedly recording the floor in that remote area must’ve been a reason they were suspicious of me :grimacing:

Thanks for the appeal, @KanyeWest. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.

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It would be helpful if you’d provide some clarity about what removal criteria this met.

Are mooring bollards one of the categories of ineligible object that meet removal criteria (such as individual golf holes and graffiti, but unlike Costco or Men’s Wearhouse?) or was this removed for some other reason, such as pedestrian access issues?