Wayspot Title: Lonely Mooring Bollard
Location: 45.408812, -73.720629
City: Kahnawake
Country: Canada
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I was threatened with violence going there. You need to take a path that’s not well maintained in the middle of a river for +10km :
At around these coordinates (45.406959859566314, -73.60114891048185), there is a sign that says “Notice Kahnawake Mohawk Territory!!! No trespassing Violators will be prosecuted”:
I went anyway thinking it’s in the middle of a river, what could possibly happen (play stupid games, win stupid prizes, I know…). After I get there, I take the portal and enjoy the view to relax after my 40 mins bike ride.
Ten minutes later, a car pulls up from the same path I took and two guys get off, they start asking me questions like “Hey man what are you doing here? Is your bike broken or something?” to which I answer that I’m simply playing a game that requires me to physically be next to some objects to gain points, and then I point to the portal. They say they understand but strongly advise me to leave. They said (in their words): "You shouldn’t be here, there’s always people on the other side of the river looking through binoculars. If they see you, they’ll beat your a**).
So yeah, whether it’s true or just intimidation techniques, I wouldn’t want anyone else to get threatened (or worse…), it’s not a safe portal to get to or stay at. A quick research afterwards taught me that people who are not a part of their community are not welcome in the reserve outside of touristic areas.
Not to mention the portal is not an eligible object, I couldn’t even tell you what it is. It’s the yellow thing on the ground in this picture…?:
Other portals on the same road past the “No trespassing” sign include this graffiti under the bridge:
Hell Fine Club (45.410403, -73.658292)
and this geodetic survey:
Point géodésique DIABO (45.417581, -73.686052)