Wayspot review expires unable to re-find to approve

I was “assigned” a Wayspot to Review that was finally near me… and it looked good to me as well… Being thorough, I drove three miles away to visually check it out and take photos and a Gaussian Splat. Wayfarer mobile did not have the spot so when I arrived at home I find the review had expired and there is no way I could find it again. I have never had a review pop up that was anywhere close to my location so I am a total nube to the process. Are you supposed to review all those checkboxes without looking at the physical site? Did not find a FAQ on the topic of expiration deadlines, sorry if it is explained somewhere obvious.

Welcome to the forum @Nanodot99 !

The time limit is mentioned here: Niantic Wayfarer
(help>Wayfarer FAQ)

Yes you are supposed to use the satellite and street views to review to the best of your ability. “I don’t know” is a valid response if you can’t be sure.

Welcome @Nanodot99,

We were all new once and none of this is as straightforward as you’d expect :slight_smile:

We are given 20 minutes to go through any reviews given to us. So while in theory I suppose you could go to close locations, but this isn’t expected.

For me personally I get reviews from my current play area, my home town (which is hundreds of miles away), and my bonus location that is in a completely different country.

Welcome, have fun, and continue to ask questions!

Wow. I’m not quite sure how to put this…

You went waaaaaay overboard. :laughing:

There is no expectation that a reviewer needs to put that much work into verifying a location. I sometimes do scrutinize local submission more closely because I am familiar with the place. But, as you’ve learned, actually going there is not realistic. All reviews have a 20 minute timer. Once that is expired, you won’t see them again.

I need to start travelling to verify wayspots from now on… only kidding. Welcome to the community.