Wayspots approved but never made it into Pokemon Go

Hi there - I am a bit frustrated. I just got a new approval for my wayspot but again, it did not make it into the game - until now I have 6 approved wayspots but none of them showed up in Pokemon Go. It takes so long until the approval process is complete (months) and then - nothing. I don‘t know why I should make proposals if they never appear.

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Firstly, welcome to the community.

I can understand your frustrations, as with anyone who submit and get success, they wold love to see the success of their hard work.

One minor point… and this may be down to poor wording on Niantic’s part when it walks you through making a submission… you are nominating Waypoints rather than Pokestops.

Would it be possible to see the nominations that have been approved along with the co-ordinates so that we can determine what has happened. I suspect the nominations exist in the same cell as another nomination, but would like to be sure.

Edit: @cyndiepooh is writing… I know I’m in trouble. :grimacing:


Welcome @amberweather ! Hoping we can clear up some of the frustration going forward.

I know the prompt tells you that you are submitting a Pokestop, but you are actually submitting a Wayspot, as you correctly stated. Whether they will be used in Pokemon Go depends on them being alone in a Level 17 S2 cell, as explained in this article: https://pokemongohub.net/post/article/comprehensive-guide-s2-cells-pokemon-go/

If you would like to share the gps coordinates of one of your Wayspots, we can confirm this is the issue.

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lol told you i was slow and you said the exact same thing i did except for the link

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Hi, I have around 4 pokestop yellow exclamation marks on the map that have been accepted on wayfarer but have not made it into the game. It has been over a week for some of them. Are they never going to show up? Just wondering :((

If there is a way you could help me out I would be so grateful. Thanks!

32.619864, -85.457301.

Probably not.

The base map looks like this

This is the same area with the S2 cell overlay that Go uses to include or exclude Waypoints from appearing in game.
A cell can have multiple Waypoints but only one will appear in Go.

Hello and welcome @peyxwhite
This article

Has a very good explanation of how S2 Mapping cells are used in Pokemon Go. If you understand this it will help you to avoid the frustration of expecting nominations appear in the game and then it not happening.

Thank you so much for the clarification. This now makes sense and I was not aware about this s2 cell topic.