Are these street signs by any chamce? Street signs in Portugal may seem unique, but they’re just signs letting one know where they are, and are not very distinct. They may seem so, with their designs, but they’re just regular street signs there.
More and more of these are getting removed in Portugal as they don’t meet criteria, so it seems this may be the case here.
Edit: Yes, appears to be regular street signs from Street View.
Coincidentally they are street signs, but with the purpose of explaining the origin of the area and reason for specific name given to the area itself, as well as their historical background
I understand your point
Coincidentally they are street signs, but with the purpose of explaining the origin of the area and reason for specific name given to the area itself, as well as their historical background
I thank you for your answer and point of view, which I find questionable
Cemeteries ok
Old ruins ok
Trail markers ok
Restaurants ok
A couple of colored tiles on a wall ok
But a sign of homage to a personality, or a geographical explanation not okay
Furthermore, as everyone knows, rural areas are not exactly filled up with statues, or else that may be considered interesting according to your dubious criteria, dubious because, for instance, cemeteries were not supposed to qualify
Consider reviewing your criteria for the sake of players, especially those living in the least fortunate areas
Because if I lived in a big city like Tokyo, where I lay on my bed and put a lure… I am sure you get my drift
Cemeteries are not typically eligible themselves. Certain things at cemeteries can be eligible, but typically if the cemetery is being nominated itself, it should be rejected for location sensitive.
Street name signs are not generally eligible. These may look slightly fancier than your average street name sign, but they are still just street name signs at the end of the day.
Also, your area doesn’t look particularly rural. I can see plenty of houses and other buildings. When I see the word rural, I tend to envisage a small village in the middle of the countryside. That doesn’t make your comment any less valid about certain areas having more to submit than other areas of course, but that is just how things are in the world unfortunately. Certain places will naturally have more eligible locations than other areas. It doesn’t change the fact that nominations still need to meet the criteria though.
We have clarification on cemeteries here, and most are not eligible.
I personally have had some Wayspots at cemeteries removed, especially since they’re at ones still in use.
We even have clarification on restaurants:
Trail markers encourage exercise and exploration, and old ruins may be worth exploring. Tile art on a wall may be considered unique art, and may meet the exploration criteria.
Street signs are not homages, they are navigational signs, letting you know where you are in a certain town/city. Most of the streets where I live are just numbered, such as 15th St or 25th Ave. There are a few named streets, but not many. Even Main Ave here just has regular street signs, nothing special to note you’re on Main. We also have streets and neighborhoods named after people and geographical features, but again, the signs are the same or similar design, and most people today might not even know who or what the they’re named after. Some neighborhoods are just named after the schools in the area.
Wayfarers in different areas of the world do see what is and isn’t eligible differently, but at times, an area may get cluttered with things that aren’t eligible. Street signs are part of infrastructure, like the streets and roads they note you are on. Infrastructure is usually ineligible, as you see it all over the area where you live. Because of this, Niantic is removing street sign Wayspots in Portugal for not meeting criteria.
BTW, @Siinnie is an ambassador from the Portugal area, so they are aware of what is and isn’t eligible there, as well as why these street signs are being removed.
It’s rural yes
Meaning wayspot in the Azores islands
Of course there are houses, but it’s a rural area anyway
Cows are milked around here, lots of pastures
Streets here have not a number like in the US
They have a meaning, they are symbolic
And plaques are manmade proof of the homage the name of the street or road represents
Ambassadors should know that difference, especially an Ambassador from Portugal
Thank you
Cows being milked in an area does not necessarily make an area rural, more agricultural. I’ve talked about this before, but almost every country has a different definition for what rural is, and usually is based on the population size, not what the area has. I don’t live far from fields that grow crops, but my area has over 200k people living in it, so it’s not rural to the US Census Bureau.
US different from Azores
Very few wayspots around here
Remove the few by dubious criteria… game over around here
These differences should be taken in consideration
And Niantic has determined that street signs in Portugal do not meet criteria, and have been removing them as Wayspots. Again, they are seen simply as infrastructure.
We do have a great thread in regards to what may be eligible in more sparse areas, and you may want to check it out here:
Also, feel free to ask if something is eligible or not in the Nomination Support thread, or even take a look around it. You may find some good ideas there.
Produzidas em massa? Placas feitas manualmente? Azulejos produzidos por artesãos da fabrica de cerâmica de Lagoa?
Por amor de Deus! Give me a break.
Onde é que a embaixadora vive???
Aqui não é, certamente
Olhe que é. Aqui é
Fico a aguardar que todas as placas de rua típicas de São Miguel desapareçam, assim sendo. Porque ainda hoje mesmo estive a jogar noutro local e lá estavam todas.
Mas aqui, onde quase nada há… o pouco que há, desaparece
Boa noite para si