I just have a question regarding waystops in suburban areas.
I live in an area surrounded by single family homes up and down the street on both sides. There is a sidewalk people can walk on, and often do. But because everything is technically on private property what are some good suggestions or things I could use to nominate for a potential wayspot?
For example let’s say a neighbor in the area has a really cool fountain that is in their front yard. It’s accessible because it’s right by where you can walk on the sidewalk, but it is in their property. Would that be a good nomination for a wayspot?
Or are suburban players a little bit out of luck when it comes to wayspots because there isn’t anything really eligible to nominate?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank you so much!!
Attached are some pictures for reference of the area in question.
Unfortunately, many suburban areas like this don’t seem to have much, as most of the area contains single family private residentual property, or PRP for short. Anything on PRP is ineligible, even if you can access the Wayspot from the sidewalk.
Niantic actually wants us to think that we can safely access any Wayspot at its exact location, not from a distance, and with your fountain example, the neighbor could see this as trespassing on their property if you do have to be right at the Wayspot. This could be an issue when it comes to scanning, for example, as you do have to typically go around the Wayspot to get a proper scan.
Even though the below thread is for rural nominations, it may be helpful for suburban areas; I certainly have looked for many of the things listed in the more suburband areas of where I live. You may also want to check out the Criteria Clarification Collection for additional examples.
Unfortunately nothing can be done on the occasions that local planning and property laws seems to conspire to make wayspots impossible. In some of these areas there may well have been nothing that was submittable prior to the housing, and in effect nothing is changing with the building of the house estate.
The guidelines about acceptable places and objects don’t change.
The wayfarer database is accumulating places for potential use and not for a specific game.
When playing a game you need to adapt your gameplay to fit within the rules. As the Niantic games are based on the real world, the experience will be different. It is very easy to see others boasting online of home stops as something everyone should be entitled to, it is better just to ignore them and work with your own reality.
As a wayfinder explore the wider area and find the things that are submittable and make sure they are in the database.