Hello Support,
The below waystop was rejected as a duplicate but the waystop is not in Pokemon Go.
First off, you are not submitting POIs to be stops/gyms in PoGo but rather to add to the Lightship map. The map is used by all Niantic games for game play locations, and each game has their own density rules. PoGo uses a S2 cell density rule.
I did find the rejection is correct, as this LFL is already in Lightship, but is near other Wayspots, such as the pool, playground, and clubhouse itself. Because of the other Wyayspots, this is most likely why it isn’t in PoGo.
It’s highly recommended when submitting via PoGo to make sure to have the other Wayspots slider turned on. This is in the bottom left corner of the map for choosing location, and will show you everything in the area that is currently a Wayspot.
It is a duplicate.
You can see your photo has been added to the wayspot already
As the LFL shares a cell with the pickleball court it doesn’t appear in Pokémon go.
To find out about cells
There is a toggle bottom left on the Pokémon go location submission screen tgat should show these “hidden” wayspots when you are standing at the location.