On a pending proposition, I can see the RETENUE button on my nominations page. What does this button mean? Is it to validate the proposal faster, or to do the opposite? It is not clear to me.
Can someone please help me with this button sens?
I think that’s the Hold button, as it translates to “restrain” in English. You can use the Hold button to prevent your nomination from going into voting and give you time to edit it. Once you’re done editing, you can press the button again and it’ll be taken off hold.
It translates literally as : “WITHDRAWN”, so if you push it you will be cancelling the submission altogether.
Hello and welcome,
The buttons from left to right in English translate to:
“Upgrade” “Upgrade Next” “Hold” “Edit”
If you change your language setting from French to English in Settings, this is what it would look like. I changed from English to French to confirm that it is the Hold button that Retenue is in French.
Clicking on Hold/Retenue places a nomination on hold. Some do this if they want to edit them before they move into voting. If you do wish to withdraw, you have to click on Edit/Modifier first, then the option to withdraw a nomination is given.
Salut et bienvenue @nicoesiea , c’est effectivement comme ça a été dit plus haut une assez mauvaise traduction d’une fonctionnalité qui mettrait la proposition en pause (l’empêche de partir en validation automatisée ou par la communauté). C’est utile si tu veux encore modifier le texte plus tard, elles ont tendance à partir en vote vite ces derniers temps.
Ohhhhh mon dieu que cette traduction est mauvaise alors. Thank you everybody for the fast answer you gave me. May I suggest to report a bug, or whatever, because this translation is so so wrong (it is choking how wrong it is)
Depuis mon téléphone (désolé pour l’orthographe)
There are many bad translations with Wayfarer, and I’m sure someone has brought this one up in the past. They are noted, but keep in mind they are not high priority, so it could be some time before there’s a fix.