Why does the upgrade have no effect?

I used an upgade 2 days ago and the Wayspot is still in Queue… What did i do wrong?

Nothing, if you upgraded it too shortly after submitting, then it still can’t enter voting for some days

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There is a variable period from about 1-7 days that has been observed when a nomination just won’t go into voting, even with an upgrade. The Wayfarer Discussion Discord calls this the grace period. I have not seen convincing evidence that upgrading too soon will keep it from going into voting longer than it would have taken. But I never upgrade until at least 24 hours have passed since I made the nomination, because if the ML model is going to reject it, it usually does around that time, and I don’t want to put the upgrade on before it seems to be safe to go into voting.

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I just wanted to test whether it would be rated by the ML with an upgrade… Apparently not

The ML is not approving nominations at this time. That was turned off as mentioned in this post:

We have not had an update about turning it back on.

ML can reject even an upgraded nomination.

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Ok, thanks for your warning, then next time I will wait 24 hours :slight_smile:


I recently upgraded one of my nominations only for ML to reject it. The nomination was submitted 24 hours before it was ML rejected, despite it being upgraded.

Hey, it got accepted today. Thank you all for your help! :slight_smile: