Can I change which wayspot in a lvl.17 S2 cell is a pokestop?

Near my home there is level 17 S2 cell in which there are two wayspots:
-dog on a spring

-anchor decoration

Out of these two the dog is a pokestop. But I would like the anchor to be a pokestop because it is less than 80 meters from my home and also kinda because it is way more unique and visually appealing.

Is there a way for me to request making the anchor a pokestop and the dog not a pokestop? Because i think the dog cannot be removed since it meets all 4 criteria.


You answered your own question, there is no way as the dog is already correct


Nope. Niantic considers that abuse.

Also: are you sure you want to attract gamers of all Niantic games to your house? Youā€™re willing to bet that every player of all current and future gamesā€¦ knows how to act around other peopleā€™s homes? What if they play loud music at night, and block your driveway?

I live in a flat so the people playing near my block arent such an issue. I wanted to have another pokestop which i can spin from my home. But if it cant be done then i must give up.

Unfortunately, there can only be one stop per L17 S2 cell. There can be multiple Ingress portals, as the inclusin rule is 20 meters in that game, but PoGo uses the S2 cells, and only 1 per L17 S2 cell is allowed.

If you need more info on S2 cells in PoGo, you might want to check out this link:

Hello and welcome @MikeUFO
Itā€™s good to hear you understand the basics of wayfarer about eligibility. Others have explained that it is not possible to make the change that would suit you.
There may well be someone who is very happy with the situation as it is. So to manipulate it solely for your own benefit would be manipulating the gameboard for a specific player advantage.
You indicate you already have something within reach, be satisfied that you are lucky enough to have that. :sunglasses:

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Thereā€™s a few in my local area that I would love to see moved so other waypoints can be accessed in Pokemon Go. Iā€™ve come to accept that they canā€™t be moved irrespective on whether I think they are correctly placed or not as it can be seen as ā€œgamingā€ the system.

Al allowed under someone balcony, or just when it rain, they all go stand ad entrance,

Its just double standards.
Like most things have here

The waypoint that is created FIRST is what will show in Pokemon GO. The Anchor may end up being a Power Spot at some point also.

Not always true that the first Wayspot in a L17 S2 cell will always be the one in PoGo. Syncs are routinely done from time to time, and the games may want to do some rebalancing of the map, too.

So, while the dog rider is the current Wayspot in this cell, that doesnā€™t mean if could change, but thereā€™s no guarantee.

All said and done, we as users/players have no influence over the density/inclusion rules; the games and Niantic make these decisions. If we had that power, I could see some abusing it to manipulate game play in their favor, which isnā€™t fair to all.

The dog was clearly there first. Yes it is rare to have two wayspots accepted at the same time in the same cell. I have know several locations with extra waypoints in the same cell, they dont change. In fact the hidden one is now a rotating Power Spot, also a portal in Ingress.

Changes can happen, though, and so you canā€™t go off of your personal observations to say ā€œthis is how it works,ā€ as it doesnā€™t always. Iā€™ve seen stops/gyms removed and replaced by another in the same cell before, so it can happen. It may happen more with gyms, since they are in the larger L14 cells, but it can still happen with stops, too.

Like you noted, itā€™s rare, but it can still happen, and we still have no control over any of it.

Yes, reported and removed wayspots in game that no longer exists may give the area a new gym. Or in this case, if the little dog is removed, the anchor should be recognised as the Waypoint in PokĆ©mon Go. The first accepted synced waypoint in L17 S2 will show in PokĆ©mon Go , over what ever else is submitted after. Iā€™ve over 1000 Waypoints accepted, I feel I know what happens pretty well. No need to stand on What IFs or different scenarios.

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But what you are saying is not based on anything that Niantic has told us, just what you have observed. You need to be careful with what info youā€™re providing to others, especially info that we arenā€™t privy to.

Is the dog spring part of a larger playground that is also a PoI?

If so you could try and submit it for removal as a duplicate of the playground.

They didnā€™t provide a location, so itā€™s hard to say. A reverse image search doesnā€™t bring any location up either.

I know, Iā€™m just giving out options.

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Niantic wonā€™t give any details, this is what I have observed. If you are correct, please tell me.

What Iā€™m saying is that Niantic hasnā€™t provided us with the full details of how S2 cells work in PoGo. The basics are known, but they arenā€™t required to provide us with the full details, something we all agree to when accepting the ToS. If they did, this could possibly lead some to try and anuse the system, possibly gain an unfair advantage, etc.

So, even though youā€™ve observed cells possibly working in a certain way, Niantic has never confirmed what youā€™re saying youā€™ve observed, and most likely will never, as to protect how the cell system works.

Observations are not proof unless Niantic has come out and confirmed them. I canā€™t find anything anywhere where Niantic has said the first Wayspot in a cell will always be the stop for said cell. They have confirmed that syncs regularly happen, and do tend to announce when we could see changes to the map.

I know that Niantic will not lift the lid of the inner workings of how things in game are decidedā€¦

But. What I have said is from Hundreds of set builds Iā€™ve done. I did X and Y happenedā€¦

I get the feeling you donā€™t believe me or you seem to want to assert yourself above what Iā€™ve explained.

Either way it is becoming tedious. I wonā€™t be replying again.

Thanks. Good luck with your wayfaring builds.