Emily ruined community voting

That would simplify the whole process wouldn’t it!

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Isn’t that pretty much what it used to be?

Not really, there were always additional criteria even if they could be a bit vague

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In the early days of Ingress I only remember it being, “a cool place for a portal”. As I recall, they hadn’t really gotten to the point of having any criterion back then.

ML did a great job they can better ad 2 more.
Other way emily is lonely!

Only tip i have is make sure the object you nominate is for 90% or more in the picture, she prefer close up! That helped me a lot when i got this tip from someone here :+1:


Originally they asked for “public places that engage the mind”. Exercise wasn’t part of it at first.

They still dont like excercise

HUGE HUGE problem.

I have asked this before. Who on earth selects the showcase

The number of times that rubbish or absolute total rejections are shown makes me question my sanity. I often have to suspend belief when I see what is selected as an example of good.

As I do not know how this feature works. All I can do is grit my teeth. Real tight.

@chtshtgtbngd you nailed it - and you follow the criteria as best you can. You read all the feedback and then bang Niantic shoves up a feature nomination that is an epic fail.

And you go. What did I miss!!! (lightest response chosen here)


Mainly through observations and not too technical.

It is driven by S2 cells ( surprise :crazy_face:) and is not done by a human selecting.
They used to follow a set pattern around the globe from one to another.
This changed a few years ago and now it’s an algorithm that selects from the recently agreed wayspots for that S2 cell.
So as Emily is not accepting at the moment, it is down to what the local community has accepted.
So what the local community is voting to accept (rightly :sunglasses:or wrongly​:sob:) is what you see.
Personally I rarely visit the wayfarer showcase page. Probably because I fell out of the habit when the original method of selecting bringing up the next wayspot got very repetitive and was confined to an area I had no interest in. So the randomness of the current method of it being a wider area can be more interesting.


With Emily not quite right at the moment the only way to get nominations accepted with any speed is Upgrades.

So for now. Yay for my upgrades! But get better Emily as the queue is growing… I have to say I am reviewing away to help the queue just not sure it makes any difference :slight_smile:

Oh how we forget how long it took in the past :slight_smile: I used to book a few weeks between nominations and it being processed. I am getting back into the mindset.

So will do more reviews for more upgrades to get banked - for the next time the machine has a hissy fit and needs a reboot.