Global Edit Challenge - Discussion, Rules, and Prizes!

So far I have around 54 text edits submitted: about 22 ML accepted (although I’ve had several in Niantic voting, not sure if any have been decided yet), none rejected.

5 photos submitted: 2 ML approved, 1 in Niantic voting, 2 in queue still.

Havent submitted any location edits, since I don’t know of anything that isn’t accurate (enough at least).


New update on community count and spamming/abuse issues:

  • Given the above, rewards will explore January 31, 2025

Do you mean rewards will expire January 31, 2025?

Mod edit: Adding the link for context: Global Edits Challenge!

Thank you Will try to arrange an edit.

I know Niantic wouldn’t be able to disclose what they consider as Spam Abuse, but I would love to know what falls in the criteria.


It would be very useful. Given the high edit requirements, I’m not sure how many much needed urgent edits they expected, vs how many mostly tidying up minor edits?


Most of mine are getting accepted quite quickly so hopefully I’m safe from any warnings. Many are quite minor corrections to spelling, capitalisation, punctuation etc. but all are improvements to the POI.

Hoping to get out and take some photos over the weekend too. I’m afraid to do location edits as they are often denied, even when they are completely accurate and obvious.

As always, it would be nice if there were better clarity and communication. Surely many questions and issues could have been foreseen and prepared for better in advance.


I’m not sure why we didn’t get edit only reviews to do as part of the challenge. Even though I’ve pretty much stopped reviewing I would have reviewed edits during the challenge.

I guess that’s not really their goal though?:person_shrugging:t2:

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I feel like it is a challenge fail every time I see something go into community review. Maybe we should lobby for everyone to stop reviewing until the challenge is over.

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I stopped reviewing because when I look at the SEE criteria I’m supposed to follow then try to align that with all the things Niantic have added I find it impossible to deny someone’s bench, regular coffee shop etc etc and I like being in great

How about if I cause reviewing trouble and angst then you report me for being a nuisance but really you are the mastermind behind the trouble?


No idea, it doesn’t seem like Niantic even know what they are doing, they certainly aren’t clear with their intentions. Seems like they want to train the ML system by throwing loads at it perhaps. Just been for a wander and I’m getting photo submissions insta-accepted which is fun!


I just remembered a description edit I submitted earlier this year that ML accepted, and it has a spelling mistake. I put in Horicon instead of Horizon, so since I’m going to be heading out that way today, I’m going to get that updated!


Sure, ML, accept the Wayspot I submitted yesterday, but not the edits…

Sorry, just have to gripe a bit…

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So by “Edits” what is included, just text edits like descriptions and titles or do photo submissions and location edits count too?

the announcement references

Note that if you’re starting today, you get 40 text edits, + a max of 10 for each of the remaining 9 days. That will be 130 edits.

To reach 150, you will HAVE to do some photo adds too. (Location edits count as well, but it’s hard to find more than a handful of legitimate location moves.)


I’m not sure if I should say “Congratulations” or “Commiserations”.

I have submitted 40 and not many have been given the ML attention… but I’m ok… I’m not bitter… goes and cries


Am I crazy in thinking that PokemonGo players are doing this in hard mode compared to Ingress players? I can just set comms to 100 km and can make changes to almost anything that goes through. Pogo players have to mostly be right on top of a stop/gym to make changes. Am I missing something?


I am sitting on my fingers and really want to say what is in my head… but I can’t.

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i discovered that, too, after i got the backlog of photos i had on my camera roll to submit with dynamic links. so many portals that don’t have descriptions!

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