Same. I can’t get any approved. Meanwhile I see stops in other neighborhoods for the same stuff I’m trying to get approved… neighborhood entrance signs and fishing ponds to walk around. I walk all of the time, but can’t do a freaking route because I can’t get any stops approved near me. It’s bologna.
Welcome to the forum @Brittbee154 !
I would encourage you to make a separate topic of your own in this category (Nomination Support ) of a nomination you think should have been accepted so we can discuss whether you could improve it in a new nomination or possibly even appeal it as is. We would love to help you become successful.
do they ever tell you WHY in terms that can be rectified?
Very often when I add pokestops and routes in my town, they get rejected at first almost every time. I then use the appeal option and respond to the reason for decline explaining why I think my proposed stop or route meets the requirements. Thereafter, 99% of the time then get approved. This is what has helped my area.
Hello and welcome,
Please read through the full thread, as this may not be the case. Nominations with 3rd party photos most likely won’t be approved on appeal; that’s just 1 issue.
My understanding is you nominate a spot. If approved, it will be a pokestop (or converted to gym based on number if pokestops).
Now what will be a powerspot ? Its no different criteria than a pokestop.
Approved POI within same S2 - 17 cell that already have a gym or pokestop will not be pokestop ever, but can be a dynamax spot.
Sometimes, its just so unlucky how those s2 cells are placed.
My local 17 lvl cell is at a beach, that holds a small boat harbour, a wilderness information sign, a hiking trail sign and a beach volley court, all in themselves are «valid» pokestops. By chance, all these locations are within the same 200m x 100m grid shared by a statue. If the statue was placed 50cm further away, it would have been 3 or 4 pokestops/gyms, and not 1 pokestop and 4-5 dynamax spots
Power Spots may have different criteria, as many are imports from a 3rd party. You may want to read the clarification discussion, as staff addressed this.
Also, PoGo and Niantic don’t determine S2 cells. PoGo Hub has laid out how these work, and the cells have been around since 2005, way before any Niantic game came about. You can read up on them here.
I myself have nominated many Wayspots that haven’t showed up in either PoGo or Ingress, as they don’t meet the inclusion rules for either game. Ingress uses a 20 meter rule, so if there are other Wayspots within a 20 m radius of a current portal, it may not get added to Ingress.
I have spilt these off from the parent topic as it was wandering too far from the original which was a specific case.
Im not trying to argue. I stand by my claim valid pokestops within a S2 cell lvl 17 will never be a pokestop, but will be a powerspot.
How else can a nature sign, a beach volley court, a location sign NOT be pokestop when it happens to all be within same 17 cell of an already acceptet pokestop ? I know they try hide the fact, but its still a fact
There is no guarantee that unused Wayspots will become Power Spots, and that is what staff has stated.
Not every approved Wayspot that isn’t used as a Pokestop or gym will be used as a Powerspot. I submitted a Wayspot that doesn’t show in either Ingress or Pokemon Go, and it has never been rotated in. A nearby portal has been a Powerspot ever since Powerspots went live without ever rotating to this one. This one, if anyone wants to check it out
Thank you. I did provide the OP of the other thread info on how to turn off notifications here, so I hope they were able to figure it out.
Even I forget to turn off notifications when I download a new app, as I really don’t need to know when a game is running a new sale all the time…
I have a few unused Wayspots at a park that have never been Power Spots. Most that are used are imports for POIs that already have Wayspots, like the park itself.
I dont trust the staff this is my local S2 grid. Is it by some force unknown to us all, all valid pokestops within same grid are turned to powerstops ? Or do they indeed purely use S2 grids ?
I challenge thy. Show me ONE location on entire earth where its 2 pokestops on same grid.
If you come across an S2 cell that seems off in the number of stops/gyms, you are more than welcome to open up a report in Bug Reports & Technical Support, and staff are more than happy to look into it.
Also, it appears that’s a 3rd party map, and those are not always accurate when it comes to S2 cells. PoGoMap is not run by Niantic; it’s a 3rd party map.
Its not off. it is what it is.
Nimatec use s2 cells or they dont ?
But you are using a 3rd party map that is not run by Niantic to determine this, and 3rd party maps such as PoGoMap aren’t always accurate. I only use PoGoMap to add any new stos/gyms I do get into the game, not to determine if a Wayspot will show up in game.
I dont know. I use this 3d party to get new spots approved. By chance its always outside cell grids s2
pogomap uses player inputted geolocations which may or may not reflect the actual pin from Niantic data. The actual pin may also be moved or removed during review and over the course of its lifetime in the database.
Yoooo I’ve ask to be removed from this!!!’ I’ve been getting emails for weeks now!!! I’ve tried silencing notifications but the only option is ( 30 minutes, 1 hour, until tomorrow) how about always! I already know how is going to reply to this because his tag is all over my email! Replying and debating with everyone!