i’m having issues to get a basketball court getting accepted. Every time I nominate it, I get it rejected as being in school grounds even if I state that the centre is not a school.
A couple of weeks ago I decided to appeal it since it meets all wayfarer criteria. But after giving all the details someone in wayfarer also decided to reject it…
Title: Cancha de baloncesto Nicolas Larburu
Description: Cancha de baloncesto junto al parque Antonio Trueba.
Supplemental Info: Las canchas de baloncesto fomentan la socialización y el ejercicio. Tened en cuenta que tras la última actualización de los criterios, wayfarer acepta solicitudes dentro de zonas comunitarias. Muchas gracias.
I will provide more info about the place itself to see if you can help me understand why it is not accepted.
The place is a Vocational Training Centre, Centro Integrad de Formación Profesional (CIFP), in Spanish. A centre like this is where people above 18 years old study basic courses that are useful for any type of job. Something like a university.
And here you can find more information about the centre: https://fpbarakaldolh.eus/es/
The website is in spanish, but you shoulnd’t have any problems to transalte it with google.
My surprise is that even after giving all this information during the nomination appeal I got it directly rejected…
Please consider reviewing this nomination again. Be aware that the centre itself is not what I’m nominating (it does not meet the criteria), I’m nominating the basketball court. If an Ambassador finds this information useful I would like some from the Wayfarer Team to review it…
I do not remember exactly, but the more or less the same info provided here. I cannot copy it since once you appeal you are not able to see what you wrote…
If the k-12 rejection was addressed and link provided, i really do think the staff handling the appeal got it wrong. Hopefully staff can take another look at this.
The appeal email does have your text in it, and there is also a browser extension that can save your appeals text to that specific browser on that specific device. I appealed a nomination this week, and with the browser extension installed, my appeal text still shows after a decision is made. Do a search for Wayfarer tools online, and you should find them.
I had a hard time telling if this was just for those 18 and older, or if their programs are open to those under 18. The vocational school in my hometown is actually attached to the high school, and students from the high school can take classes there, even earn certifications so they can enter the workforce after graduation.
It’s possible this is different in Spain than the US, though. Most of our post-secondary schools that focus on vocational and tech careers are public community/tech colleges or private specialty colleges, such as those for cosmetology.
He estado cotilleando la página web de este lugar y parece ser que ofrece Grados Medios, que es para mayores de 16 años. Eso supone que puede haber menores de edad dentro de las instalaciones y, por lo tanto, ser considerado K-12.
For those who don’t know, “Grado Medio” is a type of education that you can start studying just after you finished the obligatory education here in Spain, that you end at the age of 16. So there is a possibility of having people under 18 years old studying here.
Según los criterios de Wayfarer no se especifica que en el centro no pueda haber menores, sino que el centro no esté categorizado como K-12. En ningún sitio especifica la edad.
K-12 abarca hasta secundaria y los centros como este quedan excluidos de esa categoría.
Segun la imagen que adjunto este tipo de centros se considerarían como “Technical Institutions” o “Junior Colleges”. Centros que quedan fuera de la categoría K-12.
En España la secundaria termina a los 16 años, a diferencia de otros países. Y la mayoría de edad no es algo que se establezca con facilidad. En EEUU varios estados consideran mayores de edad a los 18, 19 e incluso 21 años. Y en Inglaterra más de lo mismo (21 años). Lo que haría que una universidad, técnicamente también se pudiera considerar K-12 según ese criterio.
La realidad es que este centro no es K-12, y no debería ser considerado como tal. Que haya gente entre los 16 y 18 años no debería inhabilitarlo… Creo que es importante diferenciar entre un colegio o un centro como este. Que creo que es de lo que trata el criterio…
Te recomiendo leer este link sobre unas aclaraciones de criterios realizadas el año pasado en el que se hablan de las K-12: Private Residences, Farmland & K-12
Como puedes observar, claramente especifica que las escuelas o servicios destinados a personas menores de 18 años no son elegibles. Como en este caso puede haber estudiantes menores de 18 años, las canchas del centro no pueden ser aceptadas.
Tal y como está escrito “K-12 (schools or facilities primarily focused for persons under 18 years of age)” sigue cumpliendo los criterios.
Este centro no está principalmente enfocado a menores de 18 años, como si lo sería un instituto. Este centro se especializa en formación profesional, lo que abarca principalmente a mayores de edad y en España en particular ofrece el grado medio. Que tampoco es que esté enfocado en menores de edad, sino que el requisito es que como mínimo tengas 16 años para cursarlo…
Técnicamente también hay menores de edad en una universidad, pero no por ello es considerado K-12…
Que no esté totalmente enfocado no significa que sea válido. La presencia constante de estudiantes menores de edad lo vuelve no elegible. Hay estudios centrados en ellos, en los menores.
Te voy a poner un ejemplo: Una universidad que compartiese las instalaciones con niños de Educación Primaria no podría ser válida por mucho que la universidad esté centrada en mayores de edad. En este caso, todas las instalaciones son compartidas tanto por menores como mayores de edad. Es lo mismo que pasa con tu caso.
It may be unlikely that staff takes a look at this, since an ambo has taken a look and found it to be ineligible. Staff do monitor the forums, but an answer has been provided in this case.
Like I said with the vocational school in my hometown, it’s not part of the high school system, but connected to the high school; it’s owned by a separate entity. They do offer classes to those over the age of 18 on weekends and evenings, but since there are classes for those under 18 during weekdays, it’s still ineligible.
I’ve seen in other countries, including the US, where vocational schools may be more like high schools, allowing their students under the age of 18 to study a vocation so they can enter the workforce sooner, instead of having to go to college to further their education. There are even specialty high schools all around the world, whether it focuses on vocational/tech careers, science/tech education, even the performing arts.
I did feel after looking at the reviews on Google Maps that this was a school that did have students under 18, as there were parents noting that they were looking to sign their children up there, or that their kids were going there and they had some complaint about it. Some of the reviews even mentioned how staff parked on the soccer field and basketball court, and that their kids didn’t get to use them because of this. And it was hard to tell from the photos on their website if they were exclusively a school for those 18 and over, as some of the students on the site looked like teenagers.
Keep in mind that Wayfarer is global, so you can apply what one country says about schools to another, hence why the age is set at 18 and under. Not all countries require education through certain ages, but most offer some from of under 18 education, and they may be different in different around the world, so a general rule has to be applied for Wayfarer.
I think you are making the word ‘possibility’ into an inappropriate barrier, here.
Only institutions that serve primarily or exclusively juvenile students are forbidden sites under Wayfarer criteria. It would seem that most attendees here are over eighteen years old.
The K-12 clarification does add the word “primarily”
I do not have any personal experience with these schools, but it seems like they don’t fit neatly into the K-12 category. I don’t know the right call here, and am following this topic.
I love martial arts studios as nominations. I as a middle aged person does go to these regularly as my main ‘gym’ experience. And I have to really carefully nominate them to show that there is a large, if not majority of the classes being for adults.
The flip side is that K-12 looks for people under 18 being left at another facility and being away from their parents or guardians.
So similar to @cyndiepooh, I am watching this conversation closely.
Just want to note what the Rejection Criteria says about this, not the K-12 forum clarification:
Location is a private residential property (even if historical), farmland, a K12 and under school (preschool, primary/elementary, secondary/high school), child care/daycare center, rehabilitation center, safety shelter
This page doesn’t use “primarily” or any other words similar to this to describe why a location that may offer classes to those under the age of 18 is ineligible. To me, this school is part high school focused on vocational studies, as well as part adult vocational school. Being there may be students ages 16-18 here, it would be ineligible to me.
When a church has a Sunday School with it’s own yard and playground, we’ve been told that the school part (where children attend classes) shouldn’t be a target for nominations, but the church itself (where people of all ages attend services) is acceptable.
We’ve also been instructed to look for the primary purpose of a multi-use facility. Niantic’s example was a library that had a day-care facility in the corner of one level. Since the site was first and foremost a public library, the understanding that there may be youngsters present sometimes did not disqualify Wayspots in the building.
High Schools that feature adult night school classes are classed as primarily K-12 venues, and Niantic finds them unacceptable.
Junior Colleges, Colleges and Vocational Schools may allow some high-school-aged people to attend classes, but are considered to be places of higher learning (for adults). Niantic says these can be acceptable.
These same considerations also apply to things like dance schools and martial arts academies. If they are mostly catering to children they are considered to be K-12, but if all ages receive instruction there, they make find candidates.
I don’t know if you understand that vocational schools can also be high schools, along with teaching classes for adults. IMO, this is a school that has a high school and adult classes, and being there are minors attending the school, I would not approve any Wayspots at this location.
There’s not really much that I want to further discuss with this, just wanted to bring up what the Rejection Criteria says, since most are using the K-12 school forum clarification.