If you only go through one game, 40 edits each day in 12 days is 480, so yes, it’s possible.
So its 40 total per day, then 40 per next day? Not like, earning only 1 back per day? I thought it was not a full reset daily but maybe Im mistaken
I havent ever submitted much on consecutive days, but equally I do not have the time or energy to go out every day for this either so I feel like this is beyond me
Come on!
5 rare candy!
Add it to the 637 in my bag I guess
I spent hundreds recently as well
Per the announcement, they didn’t change the limit of 40 submissions per day. So, if you do 40 edits a day each day of the challenge, that’s 480. If you use both PoGo and Ingress, you get 80 a day, which in 12 days would be a limit of 960.
Did i completely make up in my head that our contribution limit doesn’t usually reset overnight?
Also if I submit 2 new pictures does that count as 2 edits? Like maybe adding a close up of a sign and then a wider view of the whole thing?
And then if I add a better description, is that a 3rd edit?
Edit the title, a 4th?
Obviously cant edit the location because I’d just get banned, unless its actually wrong, but even then unlikely an edit via the gane would work because its 10m, so location edits are kind of out.
We get 40 submissions per 24 hours, so it resets at 12am local time. They didn’t say that it was reset at the start of the challenge, so it’s still 40 for today, Oct 30th.
And yes, 2 photo submissions are 2 edits. Edits are photos, title, description, and location.
Right? I get almost all of my edits approved by ML these days!
Really, I’m just hoping to get the 10 edits needed for community rewards. I don’t think I’ll be able to get 50 in for the individual awards.
At your request
Its 7:30pm and here and has been pitch black for over 2 hours. Definitely not going out tonight tomorrow I have work and then gym classes, so cant tomorrow either (wont be home till 9pm)
I just think my only reasonable contribution in most cases will be adding photos, otherwise a lot will just be adding edits for the sake of it and making no improvement, and that doesnt help anyone.
I just dont know how much I can manage, all in just a few weekend days. Its a lot of walking and standing, and I don’t know how many stops I’d need to find that need editing and haven’t already got good images etc etc
Also, just confirmed, no ticker to keep track for this challenge.
I guess we have to keep track ourselves of our individual rewards. Community tiers will get updates.
I’m with you there, but one thing I started to do was look at Wayspots in my area that need an edit, and prior to the challenge taking note of what type of edit. If it’s title and/or description, I’ve been writing them done in the notes app on my phone. Therefore, I don’t have to do so much walking/standing, as I can park near the Wayspot, submit the edit(s), and be on my way.
Now, not everyone has a carr or other individual transportation, but it’s still a good idea if you use public transit, walk, bike, etc.
I have more than that queued up. I don’t have a full breakdown, but they are probably fairly evenly spread across the categories.
Personally, I don’t care about the badges or whatever. But I am excited about knocking down this backlog!
I took these earlier when I was at the recycling.
Unfortunately it’s closed now so I’ll have to climb over the fence. If I fall in the water and get eaten by a tiger shark you can have my 5 rare candy!
I haven’t done any edits since this was announced I dont think, because I haven’t been in a position to.
Generally if I see something that would be good to edit, I do it there and then.
I have to walk to these things or park somewhere suitable and walk around the area. Most of my play area is inaccessible by car for more than using a Go Plus+ while passing through - ie no parking, no stopping, congested, busy, car would just be in the way.
I can see how far I get with the parks nearby and the village high street area. But alot of those stops are new so dont really need an edit?
I say stop because I cant edit a wayspot, only a pokestop -this is pure game related now since I access the edits via 1 game that can only seea subset.
Too bad we aren’t fish…
I think the majority of my edits are going to be adding capital letters and full stops
Oh right, I was thinking we would get in trouble for anything not “legitimately improving the waypoint”
Well I mean it is improving a wayspot just in the lowest effort way