Ooooh. I hoped to see you while reviewing
Lmao community flags what a joke
Here’s a good one: from How Niantic Learns from Machine Learning (and AI) – Niantic Labs
we use ML models to help:
- Identify low quality wayspot nominations or edits to our map (e.g. blurry or violative photos, poor/inaccurate descriptions, incorrect locations)
- Flag duplicative wayspots
I am seeing so many reports of these popping up where they don’t exist.
Niantic added the new pokestops with some errors compared to their own rules. However, the community can correct these errors with the tools they already have: Editing, reporting, adding information, etc.
I don’t see any problems with this update, it will help several players from places with few pokestops and will help the community to engage in the edits and deletions of wayspots.
So, they’re really just throwing the noobs into the deep end, then?
Learn what makes a good Wayspot through observation of local br0thels, shortening ranges, Kwik-E-Marts, photo-less spots in the roadway, etc.
Work your way up to a high level so that you can correspond with the Department of Rejection.
Learn the difference between Rules for Thee and Rules for Me.
Learn the difference between rejection requirements and removal requirements.
It’s a mass dump of ineligible, incorrectly placed Wayspots not just a few errors.
However, the community can correct these errors with the tools they already have: Editing, reporting, adding information, etc.
Like the community have done with these? Do you think Niantic will remove Chicken and Mutton Shop if I report it?
I don’t see any problems with this update, it will help several players from places with few pokestops and will help the community to engage in the edits and deletions of wayspots.
This is not a rural place. The previous Wayspots with pictures show how active it is. Niantic are not doing this with altruistic intentions to help and improve Wayfarer. They want m0ar and are willing to trample over the community to achieve that.
Hi @rdf891
Welcome to the forum
I understand that for rural areas, or even the not-big-city areas, it would be enormious helpful to get this free wayspots added.
While the last review-challenge I got some nominations from Brazil (and Mexico was a bit similar). I, speaking for myselve, accepted more nominations as I would do in other areas. Sometimes 1-2 tears drops while looking to streetview.
But potentially blocking emergency services or wayspots on k-12 territorium are whereever a no go imo.
I don’t know how experienced your are in the removal process. But this is not a quick to make.
And on top, this data-only wayspots blocking potentially free spaces (even when they’re wrong located) for real nominations, from your community.
Your only wayfarer experience for the next years will be to edit, edit, edit, appeal, report, appeal.
The notion that something shouldn’t exist on a k-12 or emergency building exists only in the perceptions and beliefs of submitters and reviewers.
Niantic are only afraid of the lawsuits. Business choices trump everything at Niantic. They showed that their concern with something existing on a school was not philosophical or cultural when they flipped that notion on its head with their basketball game.
It’s important that Wayfarers don’t believe that though…
"Pokémon players might gather in groups outside a school! The horror! Fetch the smelling salts! "
Hello all, I can share that concerns expressed in this thread have been escalated to Niantic.
É complicado ver isso depois de várias solicitações elegíveis minhas serem negadas, e mesmo contestando, continuam negadas. Nem todos tem grandes centros comerciais ou prédios históricos como referência, mas se o local é elegível, mesmo pequeno, porque não aprovar? Isso desanima quem joga de cidades ou bairros pequenos.
Sim eu também morei em cidade pequena por uns anos, foi bem difícil.
drove the manager crazy! My city has a lot of gyms and pokestops that are repeated or without photos.
que app é esse?
É um app pra desenvolvedores e para os embaixadores usarem, não deveria ser utilizado pela comunidade.
Está disponível na play store. A niantic jogou um monte de ginásio com localização errada e não posso corrigir porque não se permitir mudar a mais de 500m
Pedidos de edição podem ser feitos diretamente no site do wayfarer. Na aba ajuda tem um botão laranja de chat, denúncias podem ser feitas pelo chat ou olhando aqui mesmo no site ali em cima tem o reporting abuse, que é o quê eu estou usando agora.
Qual foi a fonte dos dados importados dessa vez?
Lembro do Foursquare de uns tempos atrás, mas dessa vez não me parece que foi essa a fonte.
Não tá muito claro ainda.