Sponsored Wayfarers Mis-Geolocated

The menu options to recommend changes for sponsored locations are different. I’ve a Starbucks on the wrong side of the street in NYC. Any ideas how to correct it

Give up.

Hi, welcome to the forum! You could try help chat with your evidence, but I don’t think these locations are even under the Wayfarer’s team control as they are Pokémon GO sponsorships. It looks like they came from a database with coordinates that were approximate at best. I am not really aware of anyone managing to move an incorrect sponsored location - if anyone did please share the experience.


Please report the Wayspot using the webform linked to “Wayspot Removals” at the top of this page. You can provide all the details in the request.


Is this a standard that others with similar situations about sponsored locations could follow?

I reported a sponsored location that no longer exists over 2 years ago, and yet the Pokéstop is still in game to this day. Will the form really be of any use to @brooklyngeorge ? Or will the team just give a response along the lines of what I got with no actual result?

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Yes. It is important to note that the outcome may not be consistent with what you see for Lightship Wayspots as we may need to loop in the sponsor in question.


There are multiple additional steps required for processing a request related to sponsored Wayspots. I’m unable to discuss those here but I can assure you that our team will take the necessary steps.

Oh, I hope I can remember where all the non-existent Starbucks are! I can think of one in a roadway at a shopping center and one in the middle of a mall that was demolished years ago and is currently a construction zone.


These sponsored locations are tied directly to the applicable game map and not Lightship.

And Pokémon GO simply does not care about an accurate map.

There is no (current) way to fix these.


This is not accurate.


Prove it.

I’ve reported several Starbucks locations that were severely mismatched using the webform you posted above to no avail.

Have you tried the method described?


Just wanted to share this.

It was 4 years ago, in case the workflow has changed.

I have had similar results with no existent Starbucks and ones that have changed locations. I’ll try the form and report back if anything happens.

Well the Sponsored stop is still there in the middle of the rubble, but it is a Sprint stop, not Starbucks. The Starbucks is correctly located at an outparcel that was not removed.

Right now in PoGo in the US, Target stores have stops, in conjunction with the trading card game. I noticed the 1 at a Target today wasn’t at the store, but this may be due to there being a Starbucks sponsored stop on the store. Instead, it was placed at the sign by the sidewalk/parking lot.

I find it interesting that ones sponsored by Sprint are still around, since they were purchased by T-Mobile. Once they were rebranded, the sponsored stops for them in my area were removed.

it was definitely a sprint store.

So far, so good

Reminder to anyone using this form, do NOT reply to that first automated email you get that tells you that they must have credentials. I just ignored this:

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It’s bad that people’s requests have to be routed through a form with way different intent again that causes a lot of confusion, but also I appreciate the honesty that they tell us that the sponsor has to approve it


It is going to be difficult to contact the sponsor

The Sprint brand officially discontinued on August 2, 2020.